boston-change-ringers thread index
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FW: draft party invite
Andy Latto
Quarter Peal July 4th, Ringing for Harborfest July 1st
Xiao Fan
1812 ringing on July 4th
D Morse
Fwd: 1812 ringing on July 4th
D Morse
Elva will be in town this week
Perry, Cally D.
<Possible follow-ups>
Elva will be in town this week
Cally Perry
Old North practice canceled July 7th
Xiao Fan
Harry Potter - Order of the Phoenix
Laura Dickerson
Order of the Phoenix, one last time
Laura Dickerson
Wedding Ringing on July 28 - URGENT
Miriam A Madsen
update on 7/28 wedding ringing
Miriam A Madsen
Bristol Royal at Groton
James Whiting
Re: Bristol Royal at Groton
Laura Dickerson
Fwd: [nagcr] The AGM-2007 Ringing Course Deadline Extended!
Cally Perry
Re: Bristol Royal
Greg Russell
wedding ringing 7/28 - *final rsvp*
Mish Madsen
Re: wedding ringing 7/28 - *final rsvp*
Laura Dickerson
Wedding ringers
Greg Russell
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Wedding ringers
Perry, Cally D.
Friday 7/27 Dessert!
Mira Whiting
carpools to Groton 1st draft
Laura Dickerson
National Night (8/7) bellringing
Mish Madsen
Request for help - directions for the website
Mira Whiting
red line riders to Groton
Laura Dickerson
Wedding Pictures
Mira and James Whiting
National Night bellringing [8/7/07] - final email
Mish Madsen
REMINDER Groton meeting on Saturday, No Old North practice
Laura Dickerson
Re: REMINDER Groton meeting on Saturday, No Old North practice
Dale Winter
visiting ringers from Cambridge
Laura Dickerson
Re: visiting ringers from Cambridge
Don Morrison
Surprise Practice 8/2
D Morse
non-ringing activities for ringers
Laura Dickerson
A favor?
Don Morrison
Re: A favor?
Elaine Hansen
Re: A favor?
Laura Dickerson
Re: A favor?
Mira Whiting
Ringing Pictures
Mira Whiting
Surprise practice 8/30
D Morse
Labor Day Tea
D Morse
Amy L Moore
up & down in peal practice
Laura Dickerson
Re: October 20th
Matt Bogen
oops - date for up and down practice
Laura Dickerson
Come to Practice tonight!
D Morse
october quarter signup - practice on 9/22 - special ceremony ringing.
Mish Madsen
suggested outing
Laura Dickerson
Re: suggested outing
Ken Olum
Advent meeting/St. Michaels Feast
D Morse
9/29 wedding ringing signup (urgent!)
Mish Madsen
Ringers at Xkcd outing
Laura Dickerson
OT: circuit snacks
Laura Dickerson
Re: OT: circuit snacks
John McKendry
Advent Guild of Bellringers Meeting Minutes
Mira Whiting
Fwd: [Brewster/Kent/NYC] October 20th Area Meeting
Matt Bogen
Service ringing and Surprise Practice
D Morse
weekly practices attendance? + 10/20 and 10/26 reminders
Mish Madsen
Reminder: Surprise Practice
D Morse
line-up of ringing events in the near future
Mish Madsen
Message not available
Re: line-up of ringing events in the near future
Mish Madsen
FW: Boston Camerata volunteer opportunities
gregory cermak
reminder! Brewster/Kent/(Trinity) next weekend
Laura Dickerson
ON saturday practice attendance?
Mish Madsen
ringing this friday 10/26 - stipend offered
Mish Madsen
Reminder: no service ringing this morning
Mish Madsen
non-ringing musical opportunity
Laura Dickerson
MIT sing!
Amy L Moore
yes Advent practice, not Surprise
Laura Dickerson
Pittsburgh Ringing Course 2008
Dianne Cermak
Daylight Savings Time
D Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Daylight Savings Time
Emily Russell
Daylight Savings Time
Emily Russell
RE: Daylight Saving Time - was " Daylight Savings Time"
Brass polishing
Mish Madsen
Re: Brass polishing
Mish Madsen
<Possible follow-ups>
Fwd: Brass Polishing
Dale Winter
25th Anniversary Celebration
Dianne Cermak
NAGCR Ballots
Dianne Cermak
Organ Restoration Concert--Friday November 9 at 8 pm
Dianne Cermak
President Clinton gets award at Old North: come ring!
Mish Madsen
Advent Announcements
D Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Advent Announcements
D Morse
Advent Announcements
D Morse
Advent Announcements
D Morse
Reminder: brass polishing this Saturday
Mish Madsen
practice saturday after thanksgiving
Mish Madsen
December 8th: Ring in Washington, D.C.
Dianne Cermak
Fwd: [nag-talk] Saturday, December 8th: Mid-Atlantic Area Meeting in Washington, D.C.
Don Morrison
reminder: practice tomorrow, but no service ringing on Sunday
Mish Madsen
photojournalism student at practice this saturday
Mish Madsen
Question on compositions
Lillian Yiyuan
Re: Question on compositions
Don Morrison
Re: Question on compositions
Andrew Tyler
Re: Question on compositions
Lillian Yiyuan
Re: Question on compositions
Don Morrison
Re: Question on compositions
Andrew Tyler
Re: Question on compositions
Lillian Yiyuan
Quarter Peal Opportunities
Dianne Cermak
QP Details
Dianne Cermak
plain hunt mp3
Natalia N Chernenko
Re: plain hunt mp3
Don Morrison
D Morse
Jan 6th quarter attempt?
Mish Madsen
Practice tonight 12/13 CANCELLED
D Morse
Weather Forecast
D Morse
ON practice 12/22 and 12/29
Mish Madsen
Advent practice 12/27 CANCELED
D Morse
New Year's Eve
Laura Dickerson
<Possible follow-ups>
New Year's Eve
Laura Dickerson
New Year's eve
Re: New Year's eve
Jeff DelPapa
New Year's Eve
Laura Dickerson
Re: New Year's Eve
Cally Perry
Re: New Year's Eve
Richard Morse
Re: New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve
Ed Futcher
ringing during the next two weekends
Mish Madsen
Surprise practice 1/3
D Morse
Reminder: Ring in the New Year at the Church of the Advent
Laura Dickerson
Harborfest ringing at Old North - save the dates
Laura Dickerson
Harborfest is in July
Laura Dickerson
Tower Cleaning Advent 1/6
D Morse
Re: Tower Cleaning Advent 1/6
D Morse
[Fwd: Lyn's mother]
Don Morrison
Advent Library Updates
Mira Whiting
meeting newbies tonight
Amy L Moore
Re: meeting newbies tonight
Mish Madsen
Next QA at Old North: Jan/Feb ( Mem. Day wedding ringing)
Mish Madsen
Rides to Melrose Fwd: [nagcr] Melrose Anniversary Weekend: Feb 1-3, 2008
Cally Perry
Russian Style
Dianne Cermak
No practice @ Advent on Thursday,March 20,2008:Maunday Thursday
Brandi Curtis
Re: No practice @ Advent on Thursday,March 20,2008:Maunday Thursday
D Morse
Hear the Old North bells on our website!
Mira Whiting
Advent doorbell
D Morse
Fwd: Advent doorbell
D Morse
Outing to Smith
Greg Russell
MIT Guild Issue - Small Activities Office
Amy L Moore
ringing at Smith
Greg Russell
<Possible follow-ups>
ringing at Smith
Laura Dickerson
Service ringing 2/24
D Morse
Saturday practice attendance
Mish Madsen
Old North practice is *canceled* for Saturday
Mish Madsen
Re: Old North practice is *UNcanceled* for Saturday
Mish Madsen
Quarter scheduling; 5/18 wedding ringing
Mish Madsen
Re: Quarter scheduling; 5/18 wedding ringing
Mish Madsen
Time Change
Dianne Cermak
Dinner with Dale! 3/20
Mira Whiting
ringing: practice reminder and question
Mish Madsen
Advent and Easter announcements
D Morse
practice YES, service ringing NO, & quarters next weekend
Mish Madsen
Dinner with Dale! Tomorrow!
Mira Whiting
Ideas for the website -- links?
Mira Whiting
Easter Ringing - Final plea!
D Morse
service ringing canceled for sunday
Mish Madsen
Saturday, April 12: Mid-Atlantic Area Meeting in Washington, D.C.
Dianne Cermak
ON visitors reminder
Mish Madsen
Quebec City Ringing Weekend
Dianne Cermak
ringing for the Old North lantern service
Laura Dickerson
[Fwd: [WRS] Fwd: "Area Meeting" at Smith - May 10]
Don Morrison
Labor Day/ Old North Event - Short Questionnaire
Mira Whiting
Whitechapel/Big Ben video from the beeb
Laura Dickerson
Fwd: Brewster/Kent/NYC Area Meeting - April 19 & 20, 2008
Matt Bogen
Fwd: Brewster/Kent/NYC Area Meeting - April 19 & 20, 2008
D Morse
"Area Meeting" at Smith - May 10
Greg Russell
Pittsburgh Ringing Event
Don Morrison
Re: Pittsburgh Ringing Event
Don Morrison
We win!
Cally Perry
Things that begin with the letter P
Laura Dickerson
Service ringing 4/20
D Morse
Wedding ringing in May (before and after Memorial Day weekend)
Mish Madsen
Mark you calendars! Groton meeting July 26
Laura Dickerson
TV team at practice Saturday! & 5/17 and 5/30 wedding ringing
Mish Madsen
Ringing at Smith May 10
D Morse
Lowell House Bells Event
Dianne Cermak
Reminder: Service ringing 5/1
D Morse
Concert on Sunday
Mira Whiting
MIT guild meeting
Mish Madsen
Re: MIT guild meeting
Mish Madsen
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: MIT guild meeting
Perry, Cally D.
MIT Guild Meeting
James K Whiting
MIT Guild meeting
Richard Edward Morse
Re: [m-hb] MIT Guild meeting
Dennis Wilson
Re: [m-hb] MIT Guild meeting
Genni Mushlin
Re: [m-hb] MIT Guild meeting
Richard Edward Morse
"Five Rings Triples"
MIT guild meeting
Richard Morse
MIT Guild meeting
Richard Morse
MIT Guild Meeting
Joshua Burson
MIT Guild Meeting
Richard Morse
Re: MIT Guild Meeting
Cally Perry
Re: MIT Guild Meeting
Joshua Burson
Re: MIT Guild Meeting
Cally Perry
Re: MIT Guild Meeting
Abigail Timmel
Re: MIT Guild Meeting
Cally Perry
Re: MIT Guild Meeting
NO service ringing 5/11; Guild meeting; Smith 5/10?; May weddings
Mish Madsen
8-Bell practice and Smith
D Morse
No Old North practice OR service ringing this weekend
Mish Madsen
wedding ringing, guild meeting
Mish Madsen
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