Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2008 13:51:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Greg Russell <gfr10598 yahoo com>
Subject: "Area Meeting" at Smith - May 10
To: Elisabeth Trumpler
<etrumpler smith alumnae net>,
Meredith Morris <mirdbird yahoo com>, Fiona Somers
<fiona somers gmail com>
CC: Cathy Russell <cathyjump aol com>, Kirby Russell
<kirbyer aol com>
Hi all,
FYI, I have approval from Smith to hold an open
ringing event there on Saturday May 10. I have
tentatively scheduled general ringing from 2:00 to
4:00 pm.
Please put this on your calendars, and feel free to
let others who might be interested know about it.
I'll post something to nagcr soon.