boston-change-ringers thread index
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Fwd: Melrose/Kent Area Meeting: April 17, 2010
Emily Russell
No Practice Wed, Easter Ringing Schedule, Dinner Wednesday
Danielle Morse
Practice on Saturday?
Richard Edward Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Practice on Saturday?
Richard Edward Morse
Re: Practice on Saturday?
Richard Edward Morse
Practice on Saturday?
Richard Morse
Practice on Saturday?
Richard Morse
Re: Practice on Saturday?
Katarina Whimsy
Re: Practice on Saturday?
Corey Hoard
Re: Practice on Saturday?
Joseph Gurkan
Re: Practice on Saturday?
Bryn Reinstadler
Practice on Saturday?
Re: Practice on Saturday?
John Bihn
Re: Practice on Saturday?
John Bihn
Practice on Saturday
Richard Edward Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Practice on Saturday
Ricky Morse
Practice on Saturday
Danielle Morse
Re: Practice on Saturday
Elaine Hansen
Re: Practice on Saturday
Danielle Morse
Practice on Saturday
Richard Morse
Practice on Saturday
Richard Morse
Re: Practice on Saturday - cancelled
Richard Morse
Filming on Saturday
Richard Edward Morse
FW: BBC piece
Kerry Walsh
Re: FW: BBC piece
Alistair Brugsch
Sunday service ringing 4/18
Danielle Morse
Lowell House ringing this afternoon (Sunday)
Laura Dickerson
Tune-ringing handbell concert!
Asher Kaboth
Nine Tailors movie party May 8
Danielle Morse
Service ringing upcoming Thursdays; ON quarter Sunday
Danielle Morse
Old North guild meeting
Ricky Morse
Reminder: Ascension ringing May 13
Danielle Morse
Guild meeting
Richard Edward Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Guild meeting
Richard Edward Morse
wedding at Old North June 18th
Laura Dickerson
More weddings at Old North!
Laura Dickerson
Old North Practice Time Changes
Dianne Cermak
*another* wedding at ON!
Laura Dickerson
Mem day weekend
Ricky Morse
Thursday service ringing
Emily Russell
be careful what you say to reporters (or what they say about you)
Laura Dickerson
Re: be careful what you say to reporters (or what they say about you)
Alistair Brugsch
Tickets -- 7/3 Pops Concert
Dianne Cermak
ringers still needed for June weddings
Laura Dickerson
Groton Meeting July 10
Laura Dickerson
Dianne Cermak wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn
Dianne Cermak
July 4th ON Service Ringing
Danielle Morse
Saturday practice?
Richard Edward Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Saturday practice?
Saturday practice?
Richard Morse
Re: Saturday practice?
Katarina Whimsy
Re: Saturday practice?
Re: Saturday practice?
Richard Morse
Re: Saturday practice?
Richard Morse
Re: Saturday practice?
Katarina Whimsy
Saturday practice?
Richard Morse
Saturday practice?
Richard Morse
Re: Saturday practice?
Richard Morse
Saturday 26 July practice cancelled
Ricky Morse
Ringing Sunday
Danielle Morse
An extra ticket
Dianne Cermak
lots of ringing on August 3rd
Laura Dickerson
Elizabeth Marsh says hi; a cunning way to keep tourists from pulling ropes
Laura Dickerson
Practice saturday
Danielle Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Practice Saturday
Abigail Timmel
Re: Practice Saturday
Corey Hoard
Re: Practice Saturday
Alan Durfee
Re: Practice Saturday
Alan Durfee
Practice Saturday
Danielle Morse
Re: Practice Saturday
Re: Practice Saturday
Richard Morse
Re: Practice Saturday
Richard Morse
Re: Practice Saturday
Phoebe House
Re: Practice Saturday
Richard Morse
Re: Practice Saturday
Joshua Burson
Re: Practice Saturday
Danielle Morse
Re: Practice Saturday
Richard Morse
Re: Practice Saturday
Dale Winter
Re: Practice Saturday
Richard Morse
Re: Practice Saturday
Dale Winter
Re: Practice Saturday
Richard Morse
Practice Saturday
Richard Morse
Re: Practice Saturday
Richard Morse
Practice Saturday
D Morse
Re: Practice Saturday
D Morse
Old North ringing...
Richard Edward Morse
Ringnig at Groton, another opportunity to ring at Hingham
Laura Dickerson
organizing for the Groton meeting on Saturday the 10th (starting at 10 AM)
Laura Dickerson
Groton update
Laura Dickerson
Weekend at Old North
Ricky Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Weekend at Old North
Hap Rhodehamel
Weekend at Groton/Old North
Weekend at Old North
Ricky Morse
Weekend at Old North
Ricky Morse
Weekend at Old North
Ricky Morse
Re: Weekend at Old North
Emily Russell
2011 Steel City Ringing Festival
Don Morrison
possible inconvenience alert - Red line turns into a bus from Alewife to Harvard again on Sunday the 11th
Laura Dickerson
Fwd: Very sad news about Kurt
Danielle Morse
Fwd: Very sad news about Kurt
Danielle Morse
Re: Fwd: Very sad news about Kurt
Laura Dickerson
Re: Fwd: Very sad news about Kurt
Genni Mushlin
Re: Fwd: Very sad news about Kurt
Alan Durfee
Re: Fwd: Very sad news about Kurt
Laura Dickerson
Re: Fwd: Very sad news about Kurt
Alan Durfee
Kurt Ward
Dianne Cermak
Re: Campanophile and thousand pealers
Don Morrison
RE: Campanophile and thousand pealers
Davies, Geoffrey
Re: Campanophile and thousand pealers
Don Morrison
Weekend ringing at Old North
Ricky Morse
non-ringing outing?
Laura Dickerson
reminder - extra ringing opportunities on Tuesday the 3rd
Laura Dickerson
Charles MGH station closed this weekend
Laura Dickerson
Good Stuff for Free
Dianne Cermak
wow! look at those sallies
Laura Dickerson
Don't forget....
Don Morrison
Re: [nag-talk] Don't forget....
Porter Brownlee
theater outing?
Laura Dickerson
oops re theater outing
Laura Dickerson
Out for a few more weeks
Richard Edward Morse
Ringer engagement news
Laura Dickerson
Old North practice, Saturday Sept 4th
Laura Dickerson
Re: Old North practice, Saturday Sept 4th
Oliver Kosut
Re: Old North practice, Saturday Sept 4th
Alan Durfee
Re: Ringing in Boston
Don Morrison
yes for Old North practice tomorrow (the 4th)
Laura Dickerson
bell-shaped cake pan
Rachel Fetters
Is there a Volunteer for Beginners' Night Tomorrow?
Cally Perry
Re: Is there a Volunteer for Beginners' Night Tomorrow?
Cally Perry
nose count, 19 September...
Elaine Hansen
Purple Cyclic Bob Major
Danielle Morse
Re: Purple Cyclic Bob Major
Don Morrison
This weekend @ Old North
Richard Edward Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
This weekend @ Old North
Richard Edward Morse
This weekend @ Old North
Richard Edward Morse
This weekend @ old north
Richard Edward Morse
This weekend @ Old North
Richard Edward Morse
This weekend @ Old North
Ricky Morse
This weekend @ Old North
Ricky Morse
This weekend @ Old North
Richard Edward Morse
farewell party for Dianne and Greg
Emily Russell
Re: farewell party for Dianne and Greg
Emily Russell
upcoming weddings at Old North
Laura Dickerson
Re: Fun event--sukkot; lots of free food in a hut that my mom and I constructed!
Genni Mushlin
Michaelmas service this Wednesday
Emily Russell
practice this Wednesday, 29 September
Elaine Hansen
Re: practice this Wednesday, 29 September
Cally Perry
ringing agenda for tonight
Elaine Hansen
Saturday Old North practice
Laura Dickerson
<Possible follow-ups>
Saturday Old North Practice
Daniel O'Donovan
Re: Saturday Old North Practice
Emily Russell
Advent Guild Meeting Minutes from 8/25/10
Genni Mushlin
Fwd: Ringing on Monday
Richard Edward Morse
Brewster/Kent area meeting
Emily Russell
practice tonight
Elaine Hansen
<Possible follow-ups>
Practice Tonight
Austin Paul
Re: Practice Tonight
Gregory Russell
Re: Practice Tonight
Katarina Whimsy
practice tonight
Austin Paul
Re: practice tonight
Danielle Morse
practice tonight
Austin Paul
Head of the Charles this weekend
Danielle Morse
convincing recruitment video?
Laura Dickerson
This weekend
Ricky Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
This weekend
This weekend
Richard Morse
Touches of Dixon's Bob Minor
Oliver Kosut
Fwd: Two If By Se Event Next Monday
Richard Edward Morse
Old North: Brass polishing this Saturday, holiday weekend Sunday practices
Laura Dickerson
clarifying about Saturday at Old North
Laura Dickerson
off topic - Daniel Radcliffe sings Tom Lehrer's "The Elements"
Laura Dickerson
alicia sent you a A Glass of Wine from Davide Restaurant
quarter peals
Emily Russell
NO practice at Advent Wednesday 24 November
Elaine Hansen
wedding on the 18th, New Year's Eve
Laura Dickerson
Ken Quimby
Emily Russell
RE: Ken Quimby
Davies, Geoffrey
Kenneth Quimby, RIP
Davies, Geoffrey
Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie/Eric Trumpler coming to a concert hall near you soon
Don Morrison
orchestra outing opportunity
Laura Dickerson
asking again about New Year's Eve
Laura Dickerson
YES, there's practice tonight
Elaine Hansen
Ringing over the Holidays
Ricky Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Ringing over the holidays
Ed Futcher
No Old North practice today
Cally Perry
New Year's Eve reminder
Laura Dickerson
ASA Bulletin Board Applications Due Today
Cally Perry
Epiphany ringing at Advent 1/6
Emily Russell
Re: Epiphany ringing at Advent 1/6
Emily Russell
practice tonight?
Elaine Hansen
Re: practice tonight?
Danielle Morse
Re: practice tonight?
Richard J. Barbalace
Re: practice tonight?
Mira Whiting
Re: practice tonight?
Ricky Morse
YES, BUT for practice tonight
Elaine Hansen
Re: YES, BUT for practice tonight
davis moore
Re: Ringing tonight?
Cally Perry
Re: Ringing tonight?
Asher Kaboth
Fwd: Melrose Tower's Anniversary Weekend Celebration: Jan 28-30, 2011
Matt Bogen
Re: Melrose Tower's Anniversary Weekend Celebration: Jan 28-30, 2011
Danielle Morse
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