boston-change-ringers thread index
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Wedding at Advent Saturday May 24th
Wedding at Advent Saturday May 24th
Dale Winter
Re: Wedding at Advent Saturday May 24th
Andrew Tyler
RE: Wedding at Advent Saturday May 24th
Davies, Geoff
Re: Wedding at Advent Saturday May 24th
Dale Winter
rope warning
Elaine Hansen
*NO* practice this Saturday, 21 Sept 2013
Richard Morse
Sunday drivers beware....
Elaine Hansen
Fwd: Brewster-Kent Area Meeting (Oct 26) -- Focus on Major Methods
Emily Russell
ropes, the new story
Elaine Hansen
mysterious shoes at Old North
Laura Dickerson
Fwd: Bellringing for Nov 16 wedding at Advent
Dale Winter
RE: Bellringing for Nov 16 wedding at Advent
Davies, Geoff
Fwd: Bellringing for Nov 16 wedding at Advent
Dale Winter
Red line construction
Laura Dickerson
*NO* practice at Old North this weekend
Richard Morse
No practice on Saturday
Richard Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
No practice on Saturday
Richard Morse
Plea for Sunday ringers
Richard Morse
Re: Plea for Sunday ringers
Red line *not* a bus this weekend, EDT will still end
CANCELLED Re: Practice this Saturday at Old North
Danielle Morse
I keep telling people to be careful on the stairs
Don't forget to vote
Don Morrison
New recruits
Davies, Geoff
Re: New recruits
Re: New recruits
John Danaher
No Advent practice Nov. 27
John Danaher
Old North practice this week
Richard Morse
Saturday practice this weekend
Richard Morse
New Year's Eve ringing at the Advent
Laura Dickerson
6pm concert/service before Advent practice
John Danaher
Ringing practice on Sunday this week
Richard Morse
King William's college quiz
Laura Dickerson
Who's coming to practice?
Richard Morse
No practice
Richard Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
No practice
Abigail Timmel
Reminder - Ringing tonight (the 31st) at the Advent
Laura Dickerson
Old North practice this weekend?
Richard Morse
Re: Old North practice this weekend?
Richard Morse
Ringing practice this weekend on Sunday
Richard Morse
Marion Ainsworth
Don Morrison
Funeral arrangements for Marion Ainsworth
Don Morrison
Ringing practice at Old North this weekend
Richard Morse
Re: Ringing practice at Old North this weekend
Danielle Morse
Re: Ringing practice at Old North this weekend
Melsen Carlsen
Re: Ringing practice at Old North this weekend
Elaine Hansen
Re: Ringing practice at Old North this weekend
Alan Durfee
<Possible follow-ups>
Fwd: Ringing practice at Old North this weekend
Richard Morse
Ringing practice at Old North on Saturday
Richard Morse
4th of July weekend/Harborfest - checking for attendance
Advent practice questionable tonight (2/5)
John Danaher
Advent practice is *on* for tonight (2/5)
John Danaher
Fwd: Fw: Toronto Ringing Weekend: 12 Bells and Then Some, June 27-29, 2014
Danielle Morse
No Practice Advent 3/5, Dinner instead?
Danielle Morse
Reminder: No Practice Tonight (March 5)
Danielle Morse
Fwd: Driving alert: Stay away from Harvard Square tonight!
Elaine Hansen
Lantern service, other April news
Laura Dickerson
Practice tonight: Nine alarm fire in Back Bay now
Cally Perry
German documentary about change ringing
Laura Dickerson
sad news from BC
Laura Dickerson
RE: sad news from BC
Davies, Geoff
Fwd: Tuesday, April 15
Dale Winter
Re: Tuesday, April 15
No Advent Practice 4/16
Danielle Morse
Reminder: No Practice tomorrow, 4/16
Danielle Morse
Orleans ringing May 17
Danielle Morse
RE: Orleans ringing May 17
Davies, Geoff
MIT Guild of Bellringers meeting this Saturday
Dennis Wilson
Fwd: 50th Anniversary Celebration at the Cathedral in DC - Memorial Day Weekend
Laura Dickerson
Old North practice Saturday the 3rd
your NAGCR area rep encourages you to join the guild
No practice at Old North this weekend
Richard Morse
weekend MBTA annoyances
Old North practice on May 24 (the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Old North practice on May 24 (the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend)
Memorial Day barbecue
John Danaher
Re: Memorial Day barbecue
Fiona Danaher
Re: Memorial Day barbecue
John Danaher
Re: Memorial Day barbecue
John Danaher
Ringing at Old North this weekend
Richard Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Ringing at Old North this Weekend
John Bihn
Information about the NAGCR AGM in DC
Ringing practice this week at Old North
Richard Morse
just out of curiosity
oops - asked about wrong time
Mary's after service ringing?
Don Morrison
4th of July
<Possible follow-ups>
4th of July
Laura Dickerson
Ringing practice tomorrow
Richard Morse
Re: Ringing practice tomorrow
Richard Morse
Quarter peal July 6th?
Danielle Morse
RE: Quarter peal July 6th?
Davies, Geoff
No Advent Practice June 25th
Danielle Morse
4th of July + weekend ringing & eating opportunities
Old North Practice cancelled
Cally Perry
<Possible follow-ups>
Old North Practice cancelled
Cally Perry
Re: Old North Practice cancelled
Cally Perry
Old North practice cancelled
Richard Morse
Orleans area meeting July 19th
Danielle Morse
RE: Orleans area meeting July 19th
Davies, Geoff
RE: Orleans area meeting July 19th
Davies, Geoff
Re: Orleans area meeting July 19th
Danielle Morse
ringing course dates & deadlines
RE: ringing course dates & deadlines
Davies, Geoff
RE: ringing course dates & deadlines
Cally Perry
Re: ringing course dates & deadlines
Don Morrison
BREAKING NEWS re July 4th!!!
Tentative plans for July 3rd
Ringing practice this Saturday!
Cally Perry
No practice at Old North on Saturday 19 July
Laura Dickerson
NAGCR AGM registration deadline almost here
Laura Dickerson
Universities listing CCCBR site
Advent annual meeting tomorrow
John Danaher
Minutes from 2014 Advent Guild meeting (20 August 2014)
Richard Morse
could TV get better than this?
Ringing practice on Saturday
Richard Morse
NAGCR AGM weekend report (my experience only)
Laura Dickerson
Students at Advent on Wednesday
Danielle Morse
Ringers needed Sunday 9/21
Danielle Morse
Please help with Service Ringing
Richard Morse
footnote for the next quarter?
Laura Dickerson
Re: footnote for the next quarter?
now possible to renew membership in the NAGCR using Paypal
Laura Dickerson
Mel's mom coming to Old North on Saturday
Melsen Carlsburg
Re: Mel's mom coming to Old North on Saturday
Danielle Morse
Re: Mel's mom coming to Old North on Saturday
Alan Durfee
Re: Mel's mom coming to Old North on Saturday
Melsen Carlsburg
Fwd: Poem about bell ringing
Rachel Downing
Re: Poem about bell ringing
Rachel Downing
NAGCR ballot online
Practice next Wednesday, 11/26
Danielle Morse
No Advent practice 11/26
Danielle Morse
Saturday the 29th
No Ringing Saturday at Old North
Cally Perry
No Ringing Saturday at Old North
Cally Perry
possibly radical suggestion
quarter attempt at ON tomorrow; New Year's Eve
Ringing World article about square dancing
Re: Ringing World article about square dancing
Rachel Downing
Re: Ringing World article about square dancing
Melsen Carlsburg
Advent practices
Danielle Morse
Ringing this week
Danielle Morse
No Advent Service Ringing 1/18
Danielle Morse
Wedding ringing at Old North on Feb 20th
Laura Dickerson
No Advent Practice Wed 2/18
Danielle Morse
Service Ringing Sunday 2/15
Danielle Morse
Reminder: No Advent Practice 2/18
Danielle Morse
Another wedding at Old North!
pi(e) day party
Mo Moulton
Sunday service ringers needed
Richard Morse
Re: Sunday service ringers needed
Alan Durfee
Saturday practice
Richard Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Saturday practice
Richard Morse
Saturday practice
Richard Morse
Saturday practice
Re: Saturday practice
Elaine Hansen
Re: Saturday practice
Joshua Burson
Wedding ringing
Richard Morse
Announcement for the Seven towers festival
mention of Grandsire in NPR story
Laura Dickerson
Re: mention of Grandsire in NPR story
Southworth, Maurice
Re: mention of Grandsire in NPR story
Andrew Tyler
April 19th Lantern Service Old North
Laura Dickerson
Wedding at Old North!
Fwd: Old North Benefit gala
Concert recommendation
Jeff DelPapa
people who are interested in the CC decisions on methods, peals, and calls
*NO PRACTICE* this Saturday
Richard Morse
future of Ringing World
Reminder: no practice tonight
Richard Morse
Richard Morse
Re: Practice?
Richard Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Richard Morse
Re: Practice?
Austin Paul
ringers needed at Old North April 19 & 25 (in the evening), anybody have news to report?
Fwd: Ringing Day on Saturday 30 May at Orleans
Danielle Morse
speaking of Orleans
Alan Coates in hospital
Cally Perry
ringing room emergencies
Re: Alan Coates in hospital
Cally Perry
no Old North practice on Saturday the 25th
sorry to be repetitious, but still want more wedding ringers
ringing for Charlotte Elizabeth Diana
anybody available for wedding ringing at Old North on May 30th?
Laura Dickerson
ringers needed for weddings at Old North
Laura Dickerson
good quality recording of ON ringing?
Laura Dickerson
Service ringing Sunday May 17
Danielle Morse
Practice this Saturday!
Richard Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Practice this Saturday!
Richard Morse
Practice this Saturday!
Richard Morse
No practice on Saturday!
Richard Morse
No practice on Saturday!
Cally Perry
one month to go
Laura Dickerson
recording Old North bells for WBUR
Laura Dickerson
Orleans June 20th
Danielle Morse
Re: Orleans June 20th
Danielle Morse
registration is open for the NAGR AGM in Shreveport
WBUR at Old North Service ringing this Sunday
Richard Morse
passes for July 3rd concert
Danielle Morse
Need Ringers for this weekend
Danielle Morse
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