boston-change-ringers thread index
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this weekend (and beyond) at Old North
Laura Dickerson
Philip Earis on happiness
Don Morrison
Fwd: [Mit1976] MIT 1976 Class Notes Happy New Year Special Edition
Don Morrison
Fwd: Change of Date for Melrose Anniversary Weekend
Emily Russell
Quarter(s) Jan 20th
D Morse
Short notice! Mid-day ringing on Friday the 16th at Old North
Laura Dickerson
Philip Earis on the BBC, more hype about the (other) Cambridge 800 celebrations
Laura Dickerson
Great Ringing Webfeature
Dianne Cermak
Re: [nagcr] Great Ringing Webfeature
Porter Brownlee
Cambridge Anniversary
Dianne Cermak
Advent advanced practice next week
Emily Russell
<Possible follow-ups>
Advent advanced practice next week
Emily Russell
possible movie outing?
Laura Dickerson
Fwd: Melrose anniversary party
Emily Russell
Re: Melrose anniversary party
Don Morrison
celebrating the birthday boys
Laura Dickerson
Old North on Sunday Feb 1st
Laura Dickerson
Thursday Night Social Plans
Maris Toland
A Concert this Friday, February 6 at the Advent
Dianne Cermak
Thursday plans
Maris Toland
Saturday February 21st
Laura Dickerson
short documentary about the 350 project
Laura Dickerson
YES there will be Old North practice on Saturday the 21st
Laura Dickerson
Lent at Advent
D Morse
Old North on March 7?
Laura Dickerson
Old North scheduling for the next two weeks
Laura Dickerson
Library on Thursday
Dianne Cermak
Dianne Cermak
Reminder: no Old North practice on Saturday the 8th!
Laura Dickerson
oops. No Old North practice on Saturday the 7th. Yes service ringing on the 8th
Laura Dickerson
Re: Emigrated Hampshire ringer
Don Morrison
Re: Emigrated Hampshire ringer
John McKendry
Re: Emigrated Hampshire ringer
Don Morrison
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Emigrated Hampshire ringer
John McKendry
Holy Week Ringing
D Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
Holy Week Ringing
Danielle Morse
Holy Week ringing
Danielle Morse
Elaine is home, fine, more about knee
Cally Perry
Advent advanced practice
Emily Russell
<Possible follow-ups>
Advent advanced practice
Emily Russell
Advent advanced practice
Emily Russell
Nearly last minute wedding ringing request!
Laura Dickerson
Lantern service at Old North
Laura Dickerson
<Possible follow-ups>
Lantern Service at Old North
Richard Morse
Fwd: [nagcr] Bill Jackson
Don Morrison
Fwd: [nagcr] Bill Jackson
Danielle Morse
Re: Fwd: [nagcr] Bill Jackson
g . davies
Old North practice on Saturday the 25th?
Laura Dickerson
Advanced Practice next week
Emily Russell
<Possible follow-ups>
advanced practice next week
Emily Russell
advanced practice next week
Emily Russell
Fw: Re: Chicago ringing
Hap Rhodehamel
recording at Advent for 4th of July ringing
Emily Russell
Re: recording at Advent for 4th of July ringing
Emily Russell
Re: recording at Advent for 4th of July ringing
Danielle Morse
dinner invitation
Emily Russell
Old North weekend plans
Laura Dickerson
88 Bus Lunch/Dinner Photos
Mira Whiting
Upcoming Ringing at Advent
Danielle Morse
Fire Escape Rope
Dianne Cermak
Next weekend at Old North
Laura Dickerson
It's useful to have accidentals
Laura Dickerson
Service ringing this week
Danielle Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
service ringing this week
Emily Russell
Survey: Best Saturday for Groton meeting?
Laura Dickerson
Fwd: Dallas Tower Festival
Mira Whiting
Danilov bells in the New Yorker, MIT guild officer results, July surveys
Laura Dickerson
Quarter June 7
Danielle Morse
blast from the past, quiz
Laura Dickerson
Kalamazoo Anniversary Peal
Dianne Cermak
Old North wedding on 26 June
Laura Dickerson
Service ringing June 11
Danielle Morse
Correction: Ringers needed for Old North wedding on June 27th (Saturday)
Laura Dickerson
Graduation Party! Birthday Party! This SUNDAY, June 14th
Cally Perry
Groton meeting - save the date
Laura Dickerson
think ahead - Old North wedding ringing on October 2nd
Laura Dickerson
4th of July ringing and eating
Laura Dickerson
Re: 4th of July ringing and eating
Danielle Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
4th of July ringing and eating
Tea party, Friday, July 3!
Richard J. Barbalace
Advent Wedding July 18
Danielle Morse
Reminder: Tea party, Friday, July 3!
Richard J. Barbalace
Old North & Advent weekend reminders
Laura Dickerson
Photos from July 3rd Pops Concert
Mira Whiting
Harry Potter?
Laura Dickerson
wedding July 18, quarters in August
Danielle Morse
Groton meeting on 25 July
Laura Dickerson
Re: Groton meeting on 25 July
Maris Toland
Great Excitement! Bells in Orleans!
Laura Dickerson
Re: [nagcr] Great Excitement! Bells in Orleans!
Greg Russell
RE: [nagcr] Great Excitement! Bells in Orleans!
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Loews, Friday at 7:15
Cally Perry
Groton, especially rides
Laura Dickerson
Re: Groton, especially rides
James Whiting
Photos from Groton
Mira Whiting
Quarter this sunday
Danielle Morse
Help moving?
Natalia N Chernenko
new bells at GSM
Laura Dickerson
Asher Kaboth
Re: Stedmonster
James Whiting
Re: Stedmonster
Don Morrison
Advent Advanced Practice 8/27
Emily Russell
Re: Advent Advanced Practice 8/27
Emily Russell
Wedding bells of an amazing sort
Laura Dickerson
service ringing this weekend
Emily Russell
<Possible follow-ups>
service ringing this weekend
Emily Russell
Old North Practice Sept 5 Cancelled
Richard Morse
Quarter Sunday for Sen Kennedy
Danielle Morse
practice next week 9/3
Emily Russell
Re: practice next week 9/3
Emily Russell
Advent Guild business meeting
Emily Russell
Re: Advent Guild business meeting
Maris Toland
Re: Advent Guild business meeting
Emily Russell
how to make one's own dumb bell
Laura Dickerson
Advent Requests Change
Dianne Cermak
Easier Way to Respond
Dianne Cermak
Re: Easier Way to Respond
Jeff DelPapa
REMINDER - no practice at Old North tomorrow (Saturday the 5th)
Laura Dickerson
Advent Change in Clerical Staff
Dianne Cermak
Familiar Faces in the Times
Dianne Cermak
MIT Events Calendar
Mira Whiting
Re: MIT Events Calendar
Cally Perry
change in Advent practice night
Emily Russell
Tea and Chocolate Party
Richard J. Barbalace
wedding at Old North October 2, 2009 6 PM
Laura Dickerson
Dianne Cermak
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Thanks
Katarina Whimsy
Sad news
Ed Futcher
<Possible follow-ups>
sad news
Feast of St Michael & All Angels
Dianne Cermak
Fwd: Feast of St Michael & All Angels
Danielle Morse
Re: Feast of St Michael & All Angels
Danielle Morse
Advent business meeting and Wednesday practices
Emily Russell
Sukkah this Saturday--October 3rd
Genni Mushlin
Re: Sukkah this Saturday--October 3rd
Genni Mushlin
Allow extra time this Sunday, October 4
Dianne Cermak
people needed for wedding on Memorial Day weekend
Laura Dickerson
350 observances
Laura Dickerson
ringing on Saturday
Laura Dickerson
reminders for Saturday the 17th: Old North practice no, Brewster-Kent yes
Laura Dickerson
Emily Russell
Re: donuts!
Emily Russell
Danielle Morse
Danielle Morse
Candlepin bowling
Danielle Morse
Smith visitors
Emily Russell
Orleans bells on Youtube
Laura Dickerson
Re: Orleans bells on Youtube
Dianne Cermak
available for special ringing on Friday, Nov 20th?
Laura Dickerson
off-topic: crocheted Disc World
Laura Dickerson
Ringing Friday evening the 20th at Old North
Laura Dickerson
no Advent practice next week
Emily Russell
Hello everybody!
Elizabeth Marsh
Proposed amendment to the NAGCR constitution and by-laws
Don Morrison
No Old North practice on November 28th
Laura Dickerson
Orleans Sunday
Ed Futcher
Stedman Peal
Lynn Kodrich
Wed Dec 9th?
Tea Party, Saturday, Dec. 12
Richard J. Barbalace
The Muppets: Ringing of the Bells
Richard J. Barbalace
Re: The Muppets: Ringing of the Bells
Laura Dickerson
For Sunday
Richard Edward Morse
quarter in Shreveport!
Laura Dickerson
ringing for the rest of the month
Emily Russell
[Fwd: Merry Christmas from hierodeacon Roman!]
Laura Dickerson
gregory cermak
New Year's Eve ringing
Laura Dickerson
<Possible follow-ups>
New Year's eve ringing
Laura Dickerson
Re: New Year's Day ringing
Ed Futcher
weekend oddities
Laura Dickerson
January ringing
Danielle Morse
Ringing schedule this week
Danielle Morse
OT: rocket science Christmas tree recycling
Laura Dickerson
Fwd: [c-r] Stephen Ivin
Don Morrison
Re: [c-r] Stephen Ivin
Don Morrison
Dianne Cermak
think ahead - wedding at Old North in October
Laura Dickerson
Ringing MLK weekend
Danielle Morse
[Fwd: Ring Around Charleston]
Laura Dickerson
Superbowl Sudoku Tea Party!
Richard J. Barbalace
Laura Dickerson
IAP thanks!
Danielle Morse
[Fwd: New Year's Greetings 2010]
Laura Dickerson
no practice tonight
Emily Russell
no practice Wednesday; dinner?
Emily Russell
Visiting Boston in March - some may remember me
Alistair Brugsch
Re: Visiting Boston in March - some may remember me
Don Morrison
Re: Visiting Boston in March - some may remember me
Alistair Brugsch
Re: Visiting Boston in March - some may remember me
Laura Dickerson
Re: Visiting Boston in March - some may remember me
Alistair Brugsch
Quarters March 20
D Morse
Attending practice this Saturday
Richard Edward Morse
Old North Practice *CANCELLED* tomorrow, 6 Mar 2010
Richard Morse
April 10: Boston area meeting
Emily Russell
Re: April 10: Boston area meeting
Emily Russell
Ringers needed 7:30 PM on April 18th
Laura Dickerson
Easter Ringing Schedule
Danielle Morse
<Possible follow-ups>
re: Easter Ringing Schedule
Laura Dickerson
At practice on Saturday?
Richard Edward Morse
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