We should have a guild meeting for the MIT guild to pick new officers.
Here are some nights that might work, let's say, at 7pm:
Monday 5/12
Tuesday 5/13
Wednesday 5/14
If there is a strong push for 8pm or 9pm instead, we'll have it then.
I'd like to send out an email about this by service ringing Sunday, so
please let me know by Saturday night which dates you can make if you
plan to attend...which you should. :)
- Mish Madsen, Old North tower captain (at least for the moment...)
PS: Speaking of Jewish music, my a cappella group Techiya is having our
spring concert next Sunday 5/11 at MIT - room 6-120 (check
http://whereis.mit.edu) at 8pm. It will be free and full of silly
Passover-themed shtick - you are all invited!
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