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Dinner with Dale! Tomorrow!

Votes seem to be in favor of India Pavilion, so the plan is to meet
there at 7.  It looks like there will be about 6 people.

On 08/03/2008, Mira Whiting <miracb gmail com> wrote:
> Hi!  Dale Winter will be in town on 3/20 and conveniently enough,
>  there is no practice at Advent that night, giving plenty of time to
>  get together for dinner.  Indian food has been suggested.   Depending
>  on how many people can come it will either be at Gandhi or India
>  Pavilion at 7pm.   Please let me know if you think you'll be able to
>  make it!
>  - Mira
>  --
>  Mira Claire Whiting
>  miracb gmail com
>  617-312-0650
>  http://miraandjames.googlepages.com

Mira Claire Whiting
miracb gmail com