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Library on Thursday

I have just received this notice that a book discussion group will be meeting in the Advent Library during our practices for the next few weeks.  I'll let Patrick know that there is a certain amount of unavoidable coming and going on the staircase between 6:45 and 9:15, but I hope you'll all try to make exits and entrances quiet enough not to disturb the discussers too much.  Thank you in advance -- Dianne

Date: March 3, 2009 9:38:31 AM EST
To: Undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: New Reading Group Starting

Beginning this Thursday, March 5, The Advent Book Group will meet on Thursdays in the Library at 7 PM, and will be reading selected works of Graham Greene. Following Stations of the Cross & Benediction at 6 PM, why not make the Advent Book Group part of your Lenten devotion?!

This book group is open to everyone and is a wonderful chance to have animated discussions of literature with your fellow parishioners. Join Rachael Ringenberg and Devon Abts this Thursday to discuss which of Greene's novels will be read. For questions or more info, contact Rachael (rachael ringenberg gmail com) or Devon (devon abts gmail com).

Father Gray