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January ringing
This year we're going to try something different with the MIT IAP
course. We'll have introductory open sessions on January 5th, 9th
and 23rd to which everyone is welcome, and other sessions require
advance sign up. Note that regular Advent practice will be Tuesday
January 5th, and there will be service ringing for Epiphany on
Wednesday January 6th (meet at 8pm).
We'll invite everyone who shows up back for more concentrated handling
sessions on Tuesday evenings and the last hour of Wednesday practices.
Several handling teachers will be needed at all open practices, and
I'll keep you informed about the other sessions after I've determined
how many handling students to expect.
Here is what I'm planning for the open sessions:
10 minutes (or so) introduction to bell ringing
Demonstration by local ringers
Handling for students alternated with practice for locals, possibly
handbells downstairs, trips upstairs at Old North.
Social time afterwards
For the other practices:
Regular practice for 1st hour before students show up
Handling with students alternated with rounds with students, handbells
Social time afterwards
We hope to recruit students to stay not only for a love of ringing but
also for the social aspects of ringing, so the MIT Guild will help
fund food for full time students afterwards. Help needed: We'll need
help from MIT people to meet students and bring them to and from Lobby
7. We'll need help from handling teachers for teaching and from
others at practice to provide a steady rounds band, to ring handbells,
and to welcome the newbies!
There will be enough ringing opportunities for someone to learn to
handle a bell within a month, so invite your friends who've always
wanted to ring! Here is the official IAP listing:
I'm coordinating the class, so let me know if you have any questions.