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Please list
Front Office
April 14th CMT seminar
Julie Schafer
April 11 - April 15, 2005
Front Office
Missed annoucements for April 13 & 14, 2005
Front Office
Brandeis Theory Seminar postponed
Maureen Meyer
This week's Duality Seminar: Change in time and location
Nancy Partridge
cancellation of seminar
Joyce Berggren
<Possible follow-ups>
cancellation of seminar
Joyce Berggren
April 18- April 22, 2005
Front Office
LATE NOTICE: F. Sauli, 4/19 at MIT
Sheela Hulsoor
[Fwd: Clay Mathematics Research Academy Colloquium Series]
Front Office
April 25 - April 29, 2005
Front Office
Special Seminar: C. Llewellyn Smith, 4/26
Paul Rivenberg
Late BAPC notice: "A Celebration of Richard Feynman," tonight
Alan Guth, MIT, Rm 6-209, 617-253-6265
4/28 at MIT: Bringing Hearing to the Deaf
Gretchen Poehlman
MIT Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium, Mon: Gia Dvali
Alan Guth, MIT, Rm 6-209, 617-253-6265
May 2 - May 6, 2005
Front Office
Jeff Richman speaking 5/5
Gretchen Poehlman
5/5 CMT seminar
Julie Schafer
CHANCE OF DAY AND TIME item for week of 05/08/05-05/13/05
b . najarian
May 9- 13, 2005
Front Office
May 16-May 20, 2005
Front Office
Please post this late notice. Thank you.
Maureen Meyer
5/12 CMT seminar
James Gotfredson
May 23-May 27, 2005
Front Office
Special CMT seminar: Tuesday, June 7th
Julie Schafer
Special CMT seminar: Wednesday, June 15, 1pm
Julie Schafer
Special CMT seminar: Friday, June 17th, 12pm
Julie Schafer
Bosotn University Physics Colloquium Series
Front Office
IMPORTANT REGARDING BAPC announcement submissions
Dayle Maynard
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 09-05-05 to 09-10-05
Dayle Maynard
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 09-12-05 to 09-16-05
Dayle Maynard
"Updated BAPC Calendar" * for the events from 09-12-05 to 09-16-05
Dayle Maynard
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 09-19-05 to 09-23-05
Dayle Maynard
Correction on BAPC for Harvard Physics Colloquium for Sept. 19, 2005
Dayle Maynard
Cancellation of Event for 9/22/05
su . robblee
9/29 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 09-26-05 to 09-30-05
Dayle Maynard
colloquia at Umass lowell
Albert Altman
<Possible follow-ups>
colloquia at Umass Lowell
Albert Altman
UMASS Lowell Colloquium Announcement
Dayle Maynard
10/6 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 10-03-05 to 10-08-05
Dayle Maynard
[Fwd: From BAPC: Please place in the BAPC calendar]
Mary Ann Rotondo
MIT Physics Colloquium: Bertschinger
Gretchen Poehlman
Front Office
<Possible follow-ups>
Front Office
Moore, Carolyn
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 10-10-05 to 10-14-05
Dayle Maynard
October 13th - Eric Adelberger at MIT
Gretchen Poehlman
late notice note location
Joyce Berggren
Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium Speaker Update for October 14, 2005
Virginia Casas
Late Announcement: Condensed Matter & Applied Physics Colloquium October 14, 2005
Virginia Casas
MIT NPPC for 10/17, A. Cohen
Sheela Hulsoor
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 10-17-05 to 10-21-05
Dayle Maynard
Correction on speaker's name
Front Office
BU Festschrift Oct. 21 & 22, 2005
Front Office
Festschrift at Boston University
Front Office
Correction on talk title.
William H. Nelson
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 10-24-05 to 10-28-05
Dayle Maynard
Lecture Posting
The Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future
Freeman Dyson Lecture Corrections
The Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future
seminar for week of 10/24/05
Joyce Berggren
<Possible follow-ups>
seminar for week of 10/24/05
Joyce Berggren
Late update
Winna Somers
<Possible follow-ups>
Late Update
Front Office
lecture announcement
Maddie Goodwin
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 10-31-05 to 11-04-05
Dayle Maynard
Nov. 2, Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
Late Announcement: Condensed Matter & Applied Physics Colloquium November 4, 2005
Virginia Casas
Re: Late Announcement: Condensed Matter & Applied Physics Colloquium November 2, 2005
Lisa Bastille
<Possible follow-ups>
Late Announcement: Condensed Matter & Applied Physics Colloquium November 4, 2005
Virginia Casas
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 11-07-05 to 11-11-05
Dayle Maynard
Christoph Paus - 11/10
Gretchen Poehlman
Nov 16, Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 11-14-05 to 11-18-05
Dayle Maynard
[no subject]
Lisa Bastille
11/17 Posting
Heidi E. Schafer
LATE BAPC NOTICES: Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium Today
Lisa Bastille
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 11-21-05 to 11-25-05
Dayle Maynard
Monday November 21, 2005
Clingingsmith, Tracey
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 11-28-05 to 12-02-05
Dayle Maynard
Precision Probes of New Physics - 12.1
Gretchen Poehlman
Upcoming Special Seminar
Nancy Partridge
Special talk on Friday 12/2
Nancy Partridge
Harvard Physics Special Seminar: Vitaly Golovach
James Gotfredson
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 12-05-05 to 12-09-05
Dayle Maynard
From BAPC Secretary: notice missing from calendar
Dayle Maynard
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 12-12-05 to 12-16-05
Dayle Maynard
resending updated * BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 12-12-05 to 12-16-05
Dayle Maynard
12/15 Posting
Heidi E. Schafer
Late Announcement: Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium December 16, 2005
Virginia Casas
James Gotfredson
revised talk sponsor
James Gotfredson
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 12-19-05 to 12-23-05
Dayle Maynard
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 12-26-05 to 12-30-05
Dayle Maynard
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 01-02-06 to 01-06-06
Dayle Maynard
1/12 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 01-09-06 to 01-13-06
Dayle Maynard
Update on listing for 1/24/06
Front Office
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 01-16-06 to 01-20-06
Dayle Maynard
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 01-23-06 to 01-27-06
Dayle Maynard
Seminar Postponed
Maureen Meyer
1/31 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
Upcoming Harvard Math/Physics Seminar
Nancy Partridge
BAPC Calendar of Events for 01/30/06 to 02/03/06
Dayle Maynard
talk time correction
Ken Olum
Addition to Calendar for week of Feb. 6
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 02-06-06 to 02-10-06
Dayle Maynard
Talk cancelled
Maureen Meyer
Late Announcement: Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium February 10, 2006
Virginia Casas
Albion Lawrence joint theory seminar at Harvard
alberto nicolis
Martin Schmaltz joint theory seminar at Harvard
alberto nicolis
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 02-13-06 to 02-17-06
Dayle Maynard
Special CMT seminar: Wednesday, 2/15
Julie Schafer
Late Announcement: Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium February 17, 2006
Virginia Casas
2/23 Posting
Heidi E. Schafer
BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 02-20-06 to 02-24-06
Dayle Maynard
BAPC 02/21/06 entry
a . mak
a . mak
2/23/2006 Physics Colloquium: Adam G. Riess
Rosrin Srethapramote
Late Announcement: Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium February 24, 2006
Virginia Casas
BAPC 02/22/06 entry
a . mak
BAPC 02/22/06 entry **Correction**
a . mak
Late: Harvard Special Seminar
James Gotfredson
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 02-27-06 to 03-03-06
Dayle Maynard
Reminder: 2/24 Special CMT Seminar
Heidi E. Schafer
3/2 Posting
Heidi E. Schafer
3/2/2006 Physics Colloquium: Mehran Kadar
Rosrin Srethapramote
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 03/06/06 to 03/10/06
Dayle Maynard
Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium: March 10, 2006
Virginia Casas
3/9/2006 Physics Colloquium: Moses H. W. Chan
Rosrin Srethapramote
3/9 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
HET Seminar
Mary Ann Rotondo
Author of "Biocosm", James Gardner, gives public talk in Cambridge
Kenzo An
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 03/13/06 to 03/17/06
Dayle Maynard
from Dayle Maynard: URGENT re BAPC missing talk entries
Dayle Maynard
RE CORRECTIONS and error note for the * BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 03/13/06 to 03/17/06
Dayle Maynard
Late announcement
Front Office
3/16/2006 Physics Colloquium: Edward C. Stone
Rosrin Srethapramote
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 03/20/06 to 03/24/06
Dayle Maynard
3/23 Posting
Heidi E. Schafer
3/23/2006 Physics Colloquium: Lenny Susskind
Rosrin Srethapramote
Late Announcement: Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium March 24, 2006 - Note earlier time than usual for colloquium and special location
Virginia Casas
cancellation of colloquium at Umass Lowell
Altman, Albert
cancelllation of March 22 talk at Umass Lowell
Albert Altman
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 03/27/06 to 03/31/06
Dayle Maynard
Cancelllation of talk
Albert Altman
colloquium at Umass Lowell
Albert Altman
<Possible follow-ups>
colloquium at UMass Lowell
Albert Altman
new talk
Albert Altman
bapc talk announcement for Clark University
Dayle Maynard
4/6/2006 Physics Colloquium: Bernhard Keimer
Rosrin Srethapramote
from BC
Karen Barry
BAPC - CALENDAR EVENTS FOR 03-02-06 TO 03-08-06
C . Cardona
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 04/03/06 to 04/07/06
Dayle Maynard
4/6 Posting
Heidi E. Schafer
<Possible follow-ups>
4/6 posting
James Gotfredson
Dayle Maynard
Late annoucement
Front Office
<Possible follow-ups>
Late annoucement
Front Office
BAPC - please post
Mary Ann Rotondo
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 04/10/06 to 04/14/06
Dayle Maynard
4/11 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
4/13/2006 Physics Colloquium: Tom Murphy
Rosrin Srethapramote
Tuesday Seminar
Front Office
Correction on late announcement
Front Office
Special CMT seminar: Friday, April 14th
Julie Schafer
Corrected Location for April 14, 2006 Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium
Virginia Casas
Upcoming seminar at MIT
Stephen Steadman
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 04/17/06 to 04/21/06
Dayle Maynard
4/20/2006 Physics Colloquium: Richard A. Muller
Rosrin Srethapramote
Cancellation of talk.
Albert Altman
*Correction* Joint Theory Seminar at Harvard TOMORROW Apr 19
Alberto Nicolis
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 04/24/06 to 04/28/06
Dayle Maynard
Seminar - April 26, 2006
Mary Ann Rotondo
Late BAPC announcement
Lisa Bastille
<Possible follow-ups>
Late BAPC announcement
Lisa Bastille
Late BAPC Announcement
Lisa Bastille
Late BAPC announcement
Lisa Bastille
BAPC - Calendar of Events - April 24 to April 28
C . Cardona
PSFC Seminar: Time Change
Paul Rivenberg
Late BAPC: Harvard Special Seminar
James Gotfredson
M. Mangano -- lectures at Harvard
Alberto Nicolis
4/27 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
Special CMT seminar: Wednesday, April 26th
Julie Schafer
Technicolor Seminar
Late Announcement: Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium April 28, 2006
Virginia Casas
today's N&P theory seminar rescheduled
Joyce Berggren
Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium Correction
Lisa Bastille
* BAPC - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 05/01/06 to 05/05/05
Dayle Maynard
Dayle Maynard
5/4 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
Late notices for BAPC. Please post.
Maureen Meyer
5/4/2006 Physics Colloquium: A. Douglas Stone
Rosrin Srethapramote
Special CMT seminar: Tuesday, May 2
Julie Schafer
late notice from BC Physics
Karen Barry
change in time of seminar please note
Joyce Berggren
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