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BAPC event 4/16/07
Joyce Light
4/19 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
Updated Location: Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium April 20, 2007 - to be held in Pierce 307
Virginia Casas
Brandeis Omitted Talk from the BAPC - my apologies, Dayle
Dayle Maynard
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 04/23/07 to 04/27/07
Dayle Maynard
Krzysztof Sliwa talk on Friday April 20, 2007 at 3:00 pm
Gayle Grant
Friday, April 20, 2007
Front Office
Posting Brown Physics Colloquium, 4/23/07
Barbara Dailey
New Seminar, April 25, 2007
Front Office
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 04/30/07 to 05/04/07
Dayle Maynard
Boston College event for next week
Joyce Light
N&P Physics Colloquium
Joyce Berggren
5/3 Posting
Heidi E. Schafer
May 1, 2007
Front Office
May 4, 2007 Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium
Virginia Casas
Special Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Colloquium: Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Virginia Casas
Wed. May 2: Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 05/07/07 to 05/11/07
Dayle Maynard
Dayle Maynard
MIT NPPC for 5/7
Sheela Hulsoor Marston
3 LOEB Series talks are cancelled for May 7,8,10
Dayle Maynard
Wed. May 9: Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
5/10 BAPC posting
James Gotfredson
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 05/14/07 to 05/18/07
Dayle Maynard
seminars for week of May 14th
Joyce Berggren
Condensed Matter Seminar at Brandeis University, May 16
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 05/21/07 to 05/25/07
Dayle Maynard
BC talk
Joyce Light
Ignacio Cirac at ITAMP Physics Colloquium Today
Lisa Bastille
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 05/28/07 to 06/01/07
Dayle Maynard
6/8-6/13 BAPC postings
James Gotfredson
6/18 BAPC posting
James Gotfredson
7/18-19 BAPC postings
James Gotfredson
MIT Event Posting
Dayle Maynard
MIT Event Posting Correction w/date
Dayle Maynard
August 17, 2007 talk
Dayle Maynard
New BAPC Calendar change-over to Brandeis
Dayle Maynard
Special Applied Physics Colloquium: August 23, 2007
Virginia Casas
Late Announcement: Applied Physics Colloquium September 28, 2007
Virginia Casas
Late Announcement: Solid Earth Physics Seminar, March 11, 2008
Virginia Casas
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 9/3/07 to 9/7/07
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 9/10/07 to 9/14/07
Catherine Broderick
PSFC Seminar
Paul Rivenberg
Friday, September 14, 2007
Front Office
Late Event
Front Office
9/20/07 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
BAPC - Calendar of Events from September 17, 2007 to September 21, 2007
Catherine Broderick
posting for BAPC calendar
Kristi Gundrum
Late MIT quantum information seminar announcement
Peter Shor
correction: 3pm -> 3:30pm
Dirk Kreimer
special talk
Front Office
<Possible follow-ups>
Wendy E Brown
Physics Colloquium at UMass Lowell--Wed., Sept. 19, 2007
Catherine Broderick
Duality Seminar
Nancy Partridge
<Possible follow-ups>
Duality Seminar
Nancy Partridge
Duality Seminar
Nancy Partridge
Duality Seminar
Nancy Partridge
Duality Seminar
Nancy Partridge
Duality Seminar
Nancy Partridge
Duality Seminar
Nancy Partridge
Duality Seminar
Nancy Partridge
Duality Seminar
Nancy Partridge
Duality Seminar
Nancy Partridge
Duality Seminar: Please Note Time and Place
Nancy Partridge
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 9/24/07 to 9/28/07
Catherine Broderick
9/27 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
Monday, September 24, 2007
Front Office
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 10/1/07 to 10/5/07
Catherine Broderick
10/4 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
Fwd: Late BAPC submission
Rhonda Culbert
Fwd: Late BAPC submission
Rhonda Culbert
Fwd: Late BAPC submission
Rhonda Culbert
Erick Weinberg seminar canceled
Ken Olum
10/2 Harvard Physics Announcement
Danielle Reuter
10/11 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 10/8/07 to 10/13/07
Catherine Broderick
correction of previous notice
Joyce Berggren
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 10/15/07 to 10/19/07
Catherine Broderick
Fwd: BAPC (late) submission
Rhonda Culbert
Friday, October 19, 2007
Front Office
Wed. Oct 17 Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
Correction: Wed. Oct 17 Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
Ady Stern Talk at Harvard
Adrian Del Maestro
Thursday, October 18 at 12 Noon
Front Office
10/18 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
Reminder: Today Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
Seminar notice
Bala Sundaram
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 10/22/07 to 10/26/07
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 10/29/07 to 11/2/07
Catherine Broderick
seminar next week
Rhonda Culbert
Correction on Boston University Colloquium Announcement
Front Office
Special QIP Seminar
Sergio O. Valenzuela
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 11/5/07 to 11/9/07
Catherine Broderick
Addition of Location
Front Office
MIT Weekly Colloquium- 11/8/07 Gregor Herten
MIT Physics Events
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 11/12/07 to 11/16/07
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 11/12/07 to 11/16/07 -- plain text
Catherine Broderick
Brown Physics Colloquium, 11/12/07
Dailey, Barbara
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 11/19/07 to 11/23/07
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 11/26/07 to 11/30/07
Catherine Broderick
Seminar Info
Scott Morley
late seminar listing
Bala Sundaram
MIT Physics Colloquium: Theodor Hansch
Amy McBrine
event cancelled - will be re-scheduled in the spring
Front Office
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 12/3/07 to 12/7/07
Catherine Broderick
Update on December 4 event
Front Office
BU particles and fields seminar on Thurs Dec 6th
Veronica Sanz
Sheila Hulsoor Marston
location change
Joyce Berggren
Late Announcement Wed. Dec. 5, Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
Tuesday, December 4, 2007 - Special Biophysics Seminar
Front Office
Brandeis Physics Colloquium cancellation 12/4/07
Catherine Broderick
Forest Talk cancelled - 12/7
Paul Rivenberg
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 12/10/07 to 12/14/07
Catherine Broderick
BAPC submission (late)
Rhonda Culbert
Wed. Dec. 12, Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
postponed seminar
Joyce Berggren
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 12/17/07 to 12/21/07
Catherine Broderick
<Possible follow-ups>
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 12/17/07 to 12/21/07
Catherine Broderick
postponed seminar rescheduled until Thursday 2PM
Joyce Berggren
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 12/24/07 to 12/28/07
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 12/31/07 to 1/04/07
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 1/7/08 to 1/11/08
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 1/14/08 to 1/18/08
Catherine Broderick
Dirk Brockmann - "Feel Sick? Follow the Money!" at Northeastern University
N . Leete
notices of seminar date change due to snow storm
Joyce Berggren
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 1/21/08 to 1/25/08
Catherine Broderick
1/18/08 BioPhysics Seminar
Front Office
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 1/28/08 to 2/1/08
Catherine Broderick
Seminar Thursday, Jan. 24 - Boston University
Front Office
High Energy Seminar - 1/31/08
Front Office
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 2/4/08 to 2/8/08
Catherine Broderick
seminar for week of 2/4/08
Joyce Berggren
MIT Physics Colloquium Series for week of 2/3/08
Nina Wu
SEAS Applied Physics Colloquium
Naomi Brave
<Possible follow-ups>
SEAS Applied Physics Colloquium
Naomi Brave
BAPC posting
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 2/11/08 to 2/15/08
Catherine Broderick
Physics Colloquium talk on 2/11/08 with Barry Barish
Dayle Maynard
Late announcement for 2/14
Front Office
Late announcement, 2/12/08
Front Office
Late Announcement: E. Velikhov
Paul Rivenberg
Change in Venue/Time
Front Office
Late addition for Friday, February 15
Front Office
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 2/18/08 to 2/22/08
Catherine Broderick
Harvard CMAP Colloquium. Friday February 22
Naomi Brave
UMass Lowell, Physics Colloquia, Wed Feb 20th
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 2/25/08 to 2/29/08
Catherine Broderick
please post seminars
Rhonda Culbert
Late announcement for Thursday, February 28, 2008
Front Office
Applied Physics Colloquium: February 29: Jens Rieger
Naomi Brave
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 3/3/08 to 3/7/08
Catherine Broderick
Harvard Physics Colloquium Talk of 3/3/08 with Michael Thorpe, Arizona State University
Dayle Maynard
ROOM CHANGE - Ernie Moniz, 3/3
Sheela Hulsoor
Condensed Matter Physics Seminar
C . Cardona
CORRECTION: Room number
Sheela Hulsoor
Harvard Applied Physics Colloquium March 7 David P. Billington
Naomi Brave
3/6 posting
Heidi E. Schafer
MIT Physics Colloquium Series for week of 3/9/08
Nina Wu
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 3/10/08 to 3/14/08
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 3/17/08 to 3/21/08
Catherine Broderick
Please add to BAPC
MIT Physics Colloquium Series for week of 3/16/08
Nina Wu
Physics Colloquium
C . Cardona
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 3/24/08 to 3/28/08
Catherine Broderick
MIT Physics Colloquium Series for week of 3/30/08
Nina Wu
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 3/31/08 to 4/04/08
Catherine Broderick
Cancelled: Brandeis Univ. Physics Colloquium tomorrow
Catherine Broderick
i want to unsubscribe. thank you
Marissa McNally
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 4/7/08 to 4/11/08
Catherine Broderick
seminar on Wed. 4/9
Joyce Berggren
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 4/14/08 to 4/18/08
Catherine Broderick
Monday 4-14-08 Quantum Information Processing Seminar
Scott Morley
Fwd: TALK:Monday 4-14-08 Quantum Information Processing Seminar (fwd)
Joyce Berggren
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 4/21/08 to 4/25/08
Catherine Broderick
Wed April 23: Matthias Weidemuller at the Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 4/28/08 to 5/2/08
Catherine Broderick
Sheela Hulsoor
Late Announcement Wed.4/30, Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 5/5/08 to 5/9/08
Catherine Broderick
MIT Physics Colloquium Series for week of 5/4/08
Nina Wu
Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
<Possible follow-ups>
Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium
Lisa Bastille
Harvard Physics Colloquium talk on 5/5/08 with Nergis Mavalvala of MIT
Dayle Maynard
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 5/12/08 to 5/16/08
Catherine Broderick
time change
Joyce Berggren
<Possible follow-ups>
Time Change
Corcoran, Nenia
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 5/19/08 to 5/23/08
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 5/26/08 to 5/30/08
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 6/2/2008 to 6/6/08
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 6/9/08 to 6/13/08
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 6/16/08 to 6/20/08
Catherine Broderick
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 9/1/2008 to 9/5/2008
Catherine Broderick
Announcements from Boston University
Front Office
BAPC - Calendar of Events from 9/8/08 to 9/12/08
Catherine Broderick
MIT Physics Colloquium, 9/11/08
Nina Wu
Monday, September 8, 2008
Front Office
Event canceled on Sept. 9
Front Office
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