THE The Boston Area Physics
Calendar is published weekly during the academic year by the Department of
Physics at On time entries send to:
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unsubscribe from the bapc go to: ______________________________________________________________________ Monday, Nov 7th, 2005 2:00PM Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Nuclear and Particle Theory
Seminar Center for Theoretical
Physics, Building NE25, Fourth Floor seminar room* ``Grassmannians, Dualities
and Spin-Charge Separation in Yang-Mills" Antti Niemi Refreshments will be served
*see our web page for directions to our new location 3:00 p.m. Northeastern University High Energy Seminar 114 Dana Research Center "Neutrino Flavor
Physics/Astrophysics at Los Alamos, Fermilab, and Thomas J. Weiler Refreshments will be served 4:15 pm Department of Physics "Weak Random Wave
Scattering Electrons in 2DEG Semiconductors and Freak Waves at Sea” Eric Heller tea will be served in 4:15p.m. Harvard University
Phenomenology seminar "A brief history of
time (abridged): Effective field theory approach to cosmological initial
conditions" Massimo Porrati * NOTE THE UNUSUAL DAY! _____________________________________________________________________________ November 8, 2005 2:30pm Joint Tufts/CFA/MIT
Cosmology Seminar Robinson 250 "The $\nu$MSM, Dark
Matter and Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe" Mikhail Shaposhnikov Institute of Theoretical
Physics, EPFL, Refreshments served at
2:00pm in Knipp Library, Room 251 4:00pm 4:00 p.m. Northeastern University CIRCS Seminar "Dynamics of Cell
Motility: Growing Networks and Flexible Membranes" Wolfgang Losert Refreshments will be served 4:00 PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Astrophysics Colloquia – Fall 2005 Marlar Lounge 37-252 What Goes On in the Dark of Galaxy Halos? 7:00 p.m.: coffee, Tea,
soft drinks, & cookies will be served 4:15 pm Mathematical Physics Seminar "The chiral de Rham complex on
hyperkahler manifolds" Maciej Szczesny Refreshments will be served at 4:00 pm ________________________________________________________________ November 9, 2005 2:00PM Massachusetts Institute of
Technology String/Gravity Theory
Seminar Center for Theoretical
Physics, Building NE25, Fourth Floor seminar room* ``Circular loop operators
in conformal field theories" Nadav Drukker Niels Bohr Institute Refreshments will be served
*see our web page for directions to our new location 2:30 pm *Theoretical Seminar:
B&H 555 "A Matter of Inertia:
Mach 2" Dr. Maulik Parikh 4:00 pm Umass Lowell Colloquia Olney 218 "Seeing the LITE" Professor Kenneth Brecher BU Refreshments at 3:30 p.m. 4:30p.m. "Cosmological
structure evolution and CMB anisotropies in DGP braneworlds" Sean Carroll Refreshments from 4pm 7:15 p.m. MIT Terahertz Systems Workshop "Terahertz Technology
in Outer and Inner Space " Dr. Peter Siegel Caltech (Beckman
Institute), Pasadena, CA 7:00 p.m.: coffee, Tea,
soft drinks, & cookies will be served 8:15 p.m. MIT Terahertz Systems Workshop "Terahertz Quantum
Cascade Lasers" Prof. Qing Hu EE & CS Dept, MIT, 7:00 p.m.: coffee, Tea,
soft drinks, & cookies will be served ______________________________________________________________ Thursday, November 10, 2005 12:00 PM Condensed Matter Theory
Seminar Lyman 425 Hideaki Takayanagi NTT Basic Research
Laboratories 4:00 pm CfA Colloquium Series
Phillips Auditorium "Mesolensing:
Discovering Nearby Stellar Remnants and Low-Mass Dwarfs" Rosanne Di Stefano CfA/Tufts tea and cookies at 3:30
p.m. 4:15 pm Physics Colloquium "Jamming of dense
granular flows" Professor Bulbul
Chakraborty <> _________________________________________________________________ Friday, November 11, 2005 4:15 pm Mathematical Physics Seminar "Self-duality, helicity and higher-loop
effective actions" Gerald Dunne Refreshments will be served at 4:00 pm |