THE 03/13/06 to 03/17/06 The Boston Area Physics
Calendar is published weekly during the academic year by the Department of
Physics at On time entries send to:
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unsubscribe from the bapc go to: ______________________________________________________________________ Monday, March 13, 2006 1:00 pm (note date and time) Theoretical Seminar: B&H
555 “Gravitational
Anomalies and Holography with Gravitational Chern-Simons” Dr. Sergey Solodukhin 4:15 pm Department of Physics Monday
Colloquia "The Origin of Mass and
the Feebleness of Gravity” Frank Wilczek MIT Tea will be served in Tuesday, March 14, 2006 No talks were submitted for
today Wednesday, March 15, 2006 No talks were submitted for
today Thursday, March 16, 2006 4:00 pm CfA Colloquium Series Phillips Auditorium "Cecilia
Payne-Gaposchkin Lecture: Measuring Cosmological Parameters" Wendy Freedman Carnegie Observatories tea and cookies at 3:30 p.m. Friday, March 17, 2006 11:45 a.m. Duality Seminar "The Landscape of
Nongeometric String Theory" Simeon Hellerman IAS Lunchtime seminar:
refreshments provided. |