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Re: (ET) US Battery vs Trojan

The two batteries I lost this month were both Trojans.  They were less then 1 1/2  years old, and bought at the same time.  I now have 6 USBMCs, (5 1800, and 1 2200).  The dealer was out of the 1800 size when I needed one so I had to take the 2200. 

Ralph Vogan
ralphgv talkamerica net

David Roden wrote:

Regarding USBMC vs. Trojan, both are good brands.  I don't like Exide, but 
some folks have had good service from them.  In general, the care given to 
the batteries will make more difference in service life than the brand.  

Trojan batteries certainly have their champions, but I've never thought that 
they were worth the appreciably higher prices usually charged, or Trojan's 
lack of interest in working with road EV hobbyists and builders.