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Re: (ET) US Battery vs Trojan

"Every body knows what there work is worth." 
       The last set of T-125 Trojans that I purchased provided nearly eleven years of year 'round use , even in spite of the "primitive" GE charger's efforts to kill them.
       When you amortize the cost difference over a period of use like that,it's cheaper to spend more initially, than to buy two sets of lesser priced units. 
----- Original Message -----
From: John Casey
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 12:33 PM
Subject: (ET) US Battery vs Trojan

Been pricing batteries to replace my Exides, $70 ea. seven years ago.  A T-105 is $117 while a USB 2200 is $85. 
Is Trojan riding a popularity wave and sets price to what the market will bear?  Does Trojan want to do just an institutional business and not bother with my piddly order and prices high to discourage me?  Or, is a T-105 measurably better than a USB 2200 and worth the added cost....I doubt this but would like your comment.
Thanks, Jack

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