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Re: (ET) Facebook comments

I think that's the trick: Have as many places stocked with people who know what they're doing. I'll be here on the list because I like email lists. Others can be on Farcebook or websites because that's what works for them.

Just make sure that the archives and such are backed up in multiple places. I've watched communities take a lot of damage when a decade's worth of data vanishes in a moment when someone takes down the FB site/Web site/FTP site/Whatever.

It happened with a yarn community (person who managed it flounced and deleted everything)

It happened with an electric car group (owner just shut down the yahoo group and deleted everything)

It happened with the 944 Porsche community (Clark's Garage shut down, but then came back with donations)

And it happened with TinyMud in 1987 when the whole thing vanished after a year of hard work by hundreds.

In every case the loss of information was quite surprising. So make sure to have backups in case your firms' TOS changes.

Now back to Elec-traks.