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(ET) Dandelions

> On the side question; has anyone else but me noticed that the ET is MUCH
> better at cutting grass than it is with dandelions?  Seriously, you have
> to drop the speed a LOT for just a few dandelions, yet the grass all
> around is cut.  Is it the suctionless design of the blades, or the
> slightly slower blade speed, or something else?
I have found the same with my corded electric walk-behind mower 
(rotary blade).  I am convinced that this is a form of plant 
intelligence - the dandelions duck.  The grass is trimmed neatly, 
but the dandelions often appear untouched.  I will have to see how 
things go once I am using the reel mower this year.

Darryl McMahon          48 Tarquin Crescent,
Econogics, Inc.         Nepean, Ontario K2H 8J8
 It's your planet.      Voice: (613)828-0805
 If you won't look      Fax:   (613)828-3199
 after it, who will?    http://www.econogics.com/