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RE: "Do you know what you're going to get?"
Yeah this annoyed me too. I had one person tell me "well if you don't
know what you're having, all your gifts will be yellow & green" w/ this
digusted look like "ewww . . ." since green's my favorite color I didn't
see that as a bad thing, although I liked her dh's response (before I
could reply) better "baby's can spit up on yellow & green as well as any
other color" ROFL! And, as I mentioned in one of the posts on
apmultiples before we moved to this list, I did an inward shudder when
dh's coworker (who's expecting g/g twins) commented that the babies'
closet is "ALL PINK" I wouldn't want my closet (or my kid's closet,
unless it was her choice) to be all *any* one color!
LaRee & the twins
-----Original Message-----
From: nonsexist-parenting-bounces cosmos phy tufts edu
[mailto:nonsexist-parenting-bounces cosmos phy tufts edu] On Behalf Of
Ken Olum
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 4:28 PM
To: nonsexist-parenting cosmos phy tufts edu
Subject: "Do you know what you're going to get?"
I think a lot of the problem is the apparently widely held belief that
the most important thing about a person is their sex. Perhaps the
strongest example of this phenomenon is that when you're pregnant
people ask you "Do you know what you're going to get?" You are
supposed to say something about sexes, but I always said something
like "healthy babies, I hope". In retrospect, perhaps the best answer
would be "Yes, people".
nonsexist-parenting mailing list
nonsexist-parenting cosmos phy tufts edu