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Re: (ET) website

I can only speak for myself, but for me an ET Facebook page might as well 
not exist.  I'm not part of the "delete Facebook" movement only because I 
never joined in the first place, for many of the same reasons that people 
often give for running away from it now.   

My strong (REALLY strong) preference is for non-proprietary sharing 
resources like this list, and secondarily for privately operated forums.  
like to stay away from the commercial privacy-sink "walled gardens" such 
Facebook.   I really don't even much want to use Yahoo and Google Groups.  

There are many open source options and shared hosting is cheap, so while 
it's easy and convenient to use Facebook and the like, it's not that 
expensive or difficult to put together something that's publicly open and 
doesn't compromise folks' privacy.    

When Robert announced that he was shutting down ge-electrak.com, I 
assumed (and we know what THAT stands for!) that he wanted to get out from 
under the cost.  I offered to take on the hosting and pay for the domain 
name renewal.    

When he made it clear that he also wanted to shed the site maintenance, 
sorry to say that I sort of lost interest.  Unfortunately I'm already over-
committed, and I just don't have time to take that on too.  :-(  

I apologize to Robert for not following up on that conversation.

What I *can* do instead, if enough people are interested, is put together 
semi- static file archive for ET documents and procedures.   

To see what I mean, take a look at my document library for road EVs and 
components based on the EVDL (Electric Vehicle Discussion List).    


It's a mix of old published documents and procedures detailed by various 
people over the years.   

I would probably just add the ET library on under the same domain 
like http://evdl.org/etlib/).  I'm not sure I want to pay extra for 
domain name, but I'd consider it.   

Does that sound like it might be useful?

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA

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Note: mail sent to the "etpost" address will not reach me.  To send 
me a private message, please use the address shown at the bottom
of this page : http://www.evdl.org/help/
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