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Re: (ET) E-15 pulley removal -> drive belt modifications

I've run my E15s and E20 with one, with two unmatched, and with two matched. Two matched (and properly tensioned) is the best: Never a squeak, never a slip.

It seems that proper tension is the secret ingredient!

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 6:55 PM, The CZ Unit <cz alembic crystel com> wrote:
Weird. Currently both my E20 and E15 are running with one power V belt each, and neither slips at all. The E15 had two, but I hit a branch and one popped off. Will put it on in the spring.

Now I do keep the E20 in L most of the time, but I blow snow, till, drive uphill, and such.


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