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Re: (ET) How not to Check the Batteries/Landis Controller

> -----Original Message-----
> From: elec-trak-bounces cosmos phy tufts edu
> [mailto:elec-trak-bounces cosmos phy tufts edu] On Behalf Of Raymon R.
> Ellis
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:40 PM
> To: elec-trak cosmos phy tufts edu
> Subject: (ET) How not to Check the Batteries/Landis Controller
> John Briese reported that he seconded the favorable comment on the
> famous Landis controller. I wish to be heard on this matter also. The
> Landis controller did not cause any problem for me in the long run.
> Somehow the original setting was moved to a higher voltage which caused
> some doubts. After I returned the Landis to the original setting
> suggested by Landis all has been fine.  I however must remember to check
> the water level regularly.  Although the replacement mechanical timer
> remains on my E-20, I rely totally on the Landis controller at this time
> to keep my batteries charged.

I'm so pleased with the Landis unit, I gave my mechanical timer away.

Stay Charged!
I-5, Blossvale NY