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Re: (ET) safest way to get an ET into a pickup truck?

Hello ET list,

I have an E12 (not running) and I read the postings to this list regularly. It will run eventually and probably with many Q&A's to this group.
I regularly move my working mower, A Dixon ZTR with a 60 inch deck on my 
flatbed trailer.  My trailer is high with the floor being level with the 
tops of the 8x14.5 tires.  I make it a point to always try to find a place 
where I can get either the back tires of my truck on a hill, bump, curb or 
where the trailer wheels can go into a ditch without bottoming out the back 
of the trailer in order to get the back of the trailer lower to the ground.
For ramps I have 2x12 planks.  I have taken the steel  walkway off of an IH 
corn planter and bolted it to the planks to make the planks "Non-Skid".  Of 
course that also made each of the planks weigh about 50-60 pounds.  I also 
use this trailer to haul my antique tractors ( JD Model A,   B.F. Avery ) 
to shows with using the same ramps so they are definately strong enough to 
hold the weight.  I back the tractors up the ramps because I am 
uncomfortable backing down the ramps.  With the Dixon Mower, I drive it up 
and then do a U-turn in place to go back down forwards.
And like others have mentioned, the most important thing is to NOT get hurt. 
This is just about the way I do things with moving machinery.  I hope it is 
helpful.  Best wishes.
G Phillips