Afternoon all, lovely here in NW Ohio..sure beats
95 deg. Well got 2 things to bring up
1A.. Got the NI EGT 120
running..nice fwd/rev left/rite PTO works...BUT HOW DO U shut OFF the regen
braking on the motor??? after about 75' down the driveway I put her in neut and
pulled myself off the hood back into the seat ...that puppy STOPs**NOW** man can
we change that?? My E14 dosn't do that..
1B..went to clean her up, pulled
the batty cable off ( neg frt/rear cable) an layed it up on the edge
of the frt batty box and she danced around (small sparks) not good, for sure not cable to frame/dash reading 24.8 vdc..not good..put cable on post ...
no spark, cable off read post to cable 36.9 vdc I have short to
frame...need to check ALL wiring..any ideas to start? later
2. update on ET
Swapfest/Show...later today