Thanks Ralph, your speedy reply made my
day. I went to Radio Shack and purchased a package of 4 Rectifier diodes part #
276-1661. They will work OK but now I need to hold down the C.C. button to hold
the coil on. I’ll work it out after a bit of effort. It’s so hot
today that I felt I should stop everything and let you hear from me promptly.
You are an excellent instructor and I thank you so very much. The way you write
in plain language makes things so clear to me. I thought I understood every little detail
until I got to the tractor and then became confused. I missed an important step in connecting
for coil holding. It felt so good to listen to the motor hold a constant rpm
and change as I moved the dash knob. I will figure out some method to mark
around the dial for speed orientation points after I get the coil to stay
energized. -----Original
Message----- Hi Raymon, Ralph I have tried to copy your C.C. Button setup on my E20
as shown on your web site page 5. I just cannot hold my foot still enough on my
rough lawn with only the pedal. I have installed a dash potentiometer
same as the one inside the box which is connected to the pedal and a relay
connected to the C.C. switch so I can move to dash control when on the lawn. I
have everything except the diode you show holding power to Pin 5. Will you tell
me what value to ask for and where to purchase the diode? My replacement
controller from Steve Richardson seems to be OK. I occasionally get a red led
flash but it switches back to green after a moment or two. I just need the dash
control to complete the job. You know that my electronic knowledge is poor but
my drive is strong and unstoppable. I soldered an available diode onto a
small phenolic board along with the light resistor where Card 4 was mounted. My
C.C. light works OK but the diode was not right. Will you give me a hand on
this? Thanks,