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(ET) Trans axel pulley, FOUND! Pictures!


Thanks to everyone who offered to help. I was able to locate a replacement pulley locally that worked much better than the original one. The pulley is in two parts, inter hub and outer pulley.  


Pictures, battery clamps. (Best loaded over a broad band connection)






I use thick copper compression clamps and 4 gauge multi strand copper wire. The clamps are about $3.50 each and they are reusable. Never had any more heating problems after switching to the thick copper clamps. I fused the lights and front lift directly at the battery and removed the under the hood fuse holder.


Picture, Alltrax controller installation, not done yet. I was unable to use the hand controller due to the micro switches being normally open. I have ordered the Alltrax pot box. I was able to drive the Elec-Trak this week end in the basement using the new controller, it’s like getting a NEW tractor!    








Dwight L. Hazen

Ham Radio wb9tlh arrl net http://wb9tlh.ampr.us

People never lie so much as after fishing, during a war, or before an election.