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RE: (ET) Large Frame Mower Deck, problems

If you are having problems with the mower leaving two strips of uncut
grass, the problem has to be the blades are too short to over lap the
cut. Flip the deck up and set all three blades horizontal. Check for
overlap. Picture of my deck.
Your blades may be after market ones that do not fit or have been
sharpened and balanced to many times. Call Bill Gunn and get some new
blades. They could be so dull that the tips are not cutting. Look at
your grass after it has been cut. The ends of the grass should be cut
clean like with scissors. If the grass ends looks to be beaten and
ripped off sharpening or blade replacement is called for.

If you have uneven height of cut between the three blades then something
is out of aliment. This could be any number of things. Again flip the
deck up and take a close look at the distance between the ends of the
blades and the mower deck make sure all three blades are on the same
plane. Rotate the blades 180 degrees if these distance changes suspect
bent blades or bent motor shaft. Check for end play, if so then new
bearings may be called for.
Your deck should not be bent and all the rollers should be the same
size. Cone shaped rollers are bad. The height adjustments should be the
same on all four corners. Try pushing the deck by hand on level
concrete, it should roll more or less straight and not always pull to
one side. Again measure to verify the deck height. Use only three
rollers on the back bar. Space them evenly and use PVC pipe and washers
as a spacer. See my picture.


Dwight L. Hazen, Indiana University, UITS 

Bloomington, In. 47408-7378

812-855-5367 IP phone 317-278-4014    

hazen indiana edu http://php.ucs.indiana.edu/~hazen/

Ham Radio wb9tlh arrl net http://wb9tlh.ampr.us