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BAPC-Calendar for the Week of November 7



The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic year by the department of Physics at Northeastern University. Entries should be sent no later than 12:00 pm on the Thursday before the week of the actual event.


Note: Entries that are past the deadline will have to be sent by you to the BAPC late entry email address listed below.


ON-TIME submissions: Send to bapc-events cosmos phy tufts edu

LATE submissions: Send to bapc-late cosmos phy tufts edu

SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE to/from the BAPC calendar: http://cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/bapc.html





Monday, November 7, 2016

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Center for Theoretical Physics

Nuclear & Particle Theory Seminar

Cosman Seminar Room 6c-442

``Have we detected Dark Matter with LIGO?"

Llias Cholis, Johns Hopkins University


4:00 p.m.

Monday November 7, 2016

Brown University

Department of Physics Colloquium

Barus & Holley room 166

"Very low energy particle physics at CERN: Particle nucleation, planetary albedo, and climate"

Neil Donahue

(Carnegie Mellon University)






Monday, November 7, 2016 

Harvard University Department of Physics Monday Colloquium

250 Jefferson Lab

" Studies and Searches with the 13 TeV Large Hadron Collider"

Professor Peter Onyisi

University of Texas








Tuesday, November 8, 2016

University of Massachusetts Boston

Quantum Science and Technology Seminar

Integrated Sciences Complex (ISC), Conference Room - suite 1200

Dr. Oscar Viyuela, U. Complutense de Madrid & MIT.

"Long-range Topological Superconductivity "

Questions: Adolfo del Campo <Adolfo delcampo umb edu>




Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Harvard University

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Jefferson 453

“TQFT in Genus Two”

Shamil Shakirov

Harvard University




Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Brandeis University

Joint IGERT/Physics Colloquium

Abelson 131

“Friction and Adhesion in Colloids: Yielding, Thickening, Jamming”

Jeff Morris


Refreshments at 3:30pm outside of Abelson 131






Wednesday, November 9

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Center for Theoretical Physics  announces

String Theory Seminar

Cosman Seminar Room 6c-442

``Bootstrapping Massive HIgher Spins"

Sasha Zhiboedov, Harvard



4:00 p.m.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Boston College

Department of Physics Colloquium

Higgins 310

"On Ising's model of ferromagnetism"

Professor Peter Armitage

Department of Physics and Astronomy 

Johns Hopkins University



4:00 pm

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Harvard University


Palfrey House, 18 Hammond Street, First Floor Conference Room

“Fermilab Neutrino Program”

Jonathan Asaadi

University of Texas at Arlington

Cookies will be served





3:00 p.m.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Tufts University Cosmology Seminar

574 Boston Ave., Medford, MA, Room 310

“Gravitation and Causality”

Mark Hertzberg

Tufts University



4:00 p.m.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The David and Edith Harris Physics Colloquium Series

Building 10, Room 250

"Active Matter: From Colloids to Living Cells”

M. Cristina Marchetti

Syracuse University

Refreshments @ 3:30 PM in 4-349





Thursday, November 10, 2016

Northeastern University

Physics Colloquium

Dana Research Center, Room 114

“Physics of Protein Evolutionary Switches and Phase Separation in

Membraneless Organelles”

Hue Sun Chan

University of Toronto

Refreshments will be served @ 4PM