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[Emeriti-faculty] Message from Professor Cebe

Professor Cebe has asked me to send the following e-mail:

My dear colleagues,

Had I been present at the faculty meeting at which the search procedures were discussed, I would have strongly objected to the point 2b (for your recollection, 2b is shown below my message). I think that whatever interest group is hiring (say, interest group B) that group should have the say about who is going to be hired. Other interest groups should only be able to have a say in who is NOT to be hired.

What I mean by this is: the new hire becomes a member of the whole department, and therefore everyone has a stake in the search outcome. If a person is absolutely unacceptable to interest group A, they should be able to say that that person should not be hired. Obviously, we don't want a person to be hired who would not be accepted by all. But beyond that, interest group A should not be able to tell interest group B who will be hired.

It would always be the case, because interest groups are not numerically evenly matched, that the larger groups would be able to dictate all hiring decisions, in the event of a non-unanimous vote of the search committee. It is my opinion that, in the interests of collegiality, the wishes of interest group B should prevail.

Regards from Germany,

2b)  If the search committee is not unanimous in its
recommendations, then the faculty will vote, and that vote will be
decisive in determining the recommendation that the department
forwards to the Dean.