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Re: (ET) Ok, time for a leaf vacuum

I have pondered the rear discharge deck and leaf collection problem too.  I
have a wheel powered lawn sweeper.  I use it to pick up the rear discharge,
but (like the ET collector) it fills in 10 seconds.  However, suppose we
used it to just pick up the leaves (needles in my case), and then used an
electric blower to blow the leaves into a big wire bin mounted atop the 
collector.   Sounds a bit "dodgy", but I think it could be done.  The folks
that make the DR brush mower make a wagon that is has a gas powered vacuum
and big bin on a trailer.  Something like that, but also incorporate a
sweeper to pick up the debris and feed it to the vacuum.

-----Original Message-----
From: CZ Unit [mailto:cz alembic crystel com] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 8:00 PM
To: elec-trak cosmos phy tufts edu
Subject: (ET) Ok, time for a leaf vacuum

Ok, the old Craftsman tractor is officially junk. Engine runs fine,
transmission, deck, tires are shot and it ate the snorkel for the leaf

Either I buy a new gas tractor to pick up leaves, or I do something with 

I have about 400 55 gallon bags of mulched leaves I collect each year. 
The Elec-trac sweeper is nice, but it fills up in about 10 seconds. And
dumping it takes time. And it doesn't vacuum up the stuff on the edges. 
And so forth.

So what to do? I have a trailer, and I have a rear discharge deck. I can
spend up to 800 and I don't want something that will take a lot of space 
the 99% of the time I'm not mowing.

Thoughts? Anyone have an elec-trak leaf vacuum thing to sell :-)

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Elec-trak cosmos phy tufts edu