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Re: (ET) Speed / power drain / reverse problems C185

On 8/20/2012 10:56 AM, Biophiliac wrote:
Thanks for your response.  There appears to be two cards, a diode assembly 
and diode varistor assembly and a field resistor. The diodes all visibly 
look ok, although when I replaced the varistor which was originally broken 
/ blown.

If these are the cards, can I easily test them for integrity? Or should I 
just replace one or both ? Do you know which one is likely causing my 
speed control problem?

Sure. Just test the diodes with a diode tester or meter. The four on the bottom right of the board are normally what fail, most of the rest of the board is for the field weakening control.

If the motor has no field, this could be the cause.



Chris Zach <cz alembic crystel com> wrote:

On 8/16/2012 1:18 AM, Biophiliac wrote:

Forgive my ignorance / inexperience.  I've heard talk about these cards 
and I don't see anything visibly under dash panel resembling a card 
(printed circuit board?) or on the detailed wiring views of my worn copy 
of C185 1975 parts manual.

   So my question is where is card 2 located and will diodes be visibly 
blown and/or can I test them with a basic multimeter?

If the C185 is basically the E20, then the card is located on the
firewall, right size. The Four diodes on the bottom left control power
to the field, sometimes they blow up so you get reverse but not fwd and


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