We have made considerable progress over the last few
days building our "Museum-in-a-Day" for the 40th Anniversary gathering.
Currently we have at least one of each of the commonly available "yellow"
tractors ever made coming so we should have quite a line-up for photovshoots and
video cameras! Special thanks to all those who pitched in to make this a
reality. Seems there is a lack of the low-end models available in the north-east
so those will be the ones I'll be filling my trailer up with for the most part.
If you have one of these tractors and can get it in the back of a pick-up truck
and bring to the gathering that would be great! It would leave an open space on
my trailer to bring a different model such as the I1, I2 or one of the other New
Idea, Wheel Horse or competitive models. I am bringing my E12 becauseit has all
the golf attachments on it and my I5 because it has the fork-lift on it. Again,
If someone has these items on your tractors and can bring the to the rally it
would free up some room on my trailer for other models. We have the high-end New Idea tractors covered now but need the low end models if anyone can bring one of them. I can if I can free up a slot but I want to make sure we have the full line-up of yellow G.E. Elec-Traks represented first. Currently we have no Wheel Horse or competitive models coming which is kind of a shame so I'm putting out the call as well to anyone who has one of these to borrow a truck, rent a trailer, or do what ever to bring it to the show Here's the current line-up...I'm certain we can still fill in some holes in it, let me know if you can help! We have over 20 tractors coming but I'm hoping we can adda few more in the next week. Even if your model will already be represented bring it along...like I've been saying...the great thing about tractor shows is there are lots of tractors! I'm working on how we are doning on attachments as we speak and will post that soon. Please be thinking of how you can contribute! GE Tractors E1 Geo Beckett ER8-36 Geo Beckett E8M Geo Beckett E8M HD Geo Beckett E10M Richard Shaffer E12M Bruce Powell E12 Greg Curan, Geo Beckett E12S Kevin Carpenter E14 Eric Alletzhauser E15 Pieter Litchfield, Bruce Powell E16 Steve Shore- A works in progress on the rotissery only, a completed one would be nice as well. E20 Steve Shore, Jim Coate, Issac Lombard, Nick Skinner I1 Open I2 Open I5 Eric Alletzhauser, Geo Beckett New Idea Tractors R36 Open EGT80 Open EGT100 Open EGT120 Chad Bush EGT150 Jeff Antonucci EGT200 Harold Zimmerman Wheel Horse Tractors A65 Open B145 Open C185 Open A60 Open E81 Open E141 Open Competitive Electric Tractors John Deere 90 Open John Deere 96 Open Cub Cadet 95 Open Sears LT/36E Open Jacobson Mark IV Open Specialty Electrc Tractors & Equipment Elec-Trak 40SE Mark Frerking Hustler Zeom Doug Beach Tripp-Lite 36V Inverter/Charger 3600W Brian Haines In Him, George Beckett |