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Re: (ET) Foot pedal for Alltrax

Hmmm...perhaps one could retrofit a microswitch - or a reed switch and magnet - to the pot version?


On Wed, 12 Oct 2011, Jim Coate wrote:

I've looked into that unit at one point too. Unfortunately it comes with EITHER a 5K pot OR a micro-switch actuated by the pedal. To use with an Alltrax (or Curtis etc), both the 5K pot AND the microswitch are required. The PB-6 has both.
Yes, you could skip the microswitch and still have it work but that is one of 
those safety things that really should be used. Just in case the pot goes 
ker-fluey, the controller has another way to know that you have taken your 
foot off the pedal.

On 10/11/11 2:55 PM, David Roden wrote:
On 11 Oct 2011 at 13:22, Steve Gaarder wrote:

We've decided to install an Alltrax controller in our E-15, and would like
to have a foot pedal to control it. Does anyone sell a foot pedal/pot
assembly that works well?
I haven't actually tried this yet, but I was looking at it a while back.  I
would think that it would be pretty sturdy.


Jim Coate
*The Electric Tractor Store*

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