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Re: (ET) More motor questions for EM

> -----Original Message-----
> From: elec-trak-bounces cosmos phy tufts edu
> [mailto:elec-trak-bounces cosmos phy tufts edu] On Behalf Of SteveS
> Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 5:14 PM
> To: elec-trak
> Subject: (ET) More motor questions for EM
> Hope this isn't drifting off-topic, but since it has been quiet on the
> list recently, perhaps you all will indulge me.
> I obtained a rolling chassis for my electric motorcycle (EM) project.
>  From previous input from the list and doing some research on my own, I
> decided to try the snowblower motor first. (GE 5BC49JB142A)
> I took mine out and pulled it apart to see what shape it was in and to
> see exactly how it is configured. It looks to be a long compound motor,
> meaning the shunt winding is applied across the combined armature and
> series windings. It's not obvious to me if it's cumulative or
> differential (aiding or opposing the series field). It is a much smaller
> wire gauge.
> My main question at point is what to do about a controller?  I imagine I
> should be using a series controller, but what do I do with the shunt
> winding? I'm thinking to just disconnect it. I imagine the shunt field
> is there mostly to prevent runaway with no load.
> Thoughts?
> SteveS

I'm basically agreeing with all of it.

Stay Charged!
"If you don't "believe" you'll make a difference, than you probably never 
will!" -- Jim Husted