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Re: (ET) Fwd: [EVDL] The Case for the Electric Tractor

Much higher efficiencies are just around the corner...

42.8% !!!!

--- David Roden <etpost drmm net> wrote:

> On 24 Aug 2007 at 15:11, Darryl McMahon wrote:
> > solar panels are the most efficient way of
> converting
> > radiant sunlight energy into electricity
> (approaching 20% vs 1% or
> > much less for plants). 
> Where do they get this number?  I think I've read
> that mass-produced PV is 
> around 10% efficient at normal operating
> temperatures.  
> I may have missed it, but they also don't seem to
> have figured battery 
> amortization into the operating costs.  For road
> EVs, this is the largest 
> contribution to per-mile expense, and I'd bet that
> this will also be true 
> for an electric tractor in daily service.
> I'm not saying they're wrong or that they shouldn't
> explore this option.  
> Far from it!  It's just that I think we as EV fans
> hurt ourselves when we 
> aren't realistic about the utility and costs of
> electric transport.
> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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>      War is an option whose time has passed; peace
> is the only
>      option for the future.  At present we occupy a
> treacherous 
>      no man's land between peace and war, a time of
> growing fear
>      that our miltary might has expanded beyond our
> capacity to 
>      control it and our political differences [have]
> widened beyond
>      our ability to bridge them ... the only way to
> achieve a 
>      practical, livable peace in a world of
> competing nations is
>      to take the profit out of war. 
>                              -- Richard Nixon, "Real
> Peace"(1983)
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> = = = = = = =        
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