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Re: (ET) Reverse Relay

Where did you find the socket to put the relay in? That would be VERY convenient. I assume you can just connect the spade connectors to the socket, so if you *do* need to change a relay, you don't have to deal with unplugging and keeping track of all the wires, just plug the new relay into the socket?
        What current rating fuse did you put in?
Hmmmm.... perhaps a circuit breaker would be nice there too instead of a fuse....


Michael S. Briggs
UNH Physics Department
(603) 862-2828

On Tue, 1 Aug 2006, Dave & Deb wrote:

this is a pretty common problem.  after my second relay welded itself I 
put an
inline fuse in to protect the relay and then just for good measure and 
because I
found some that would work and were cheap bought a socket for the relay 
and 6
relays.  needless to say I never welded another relay after that.

the relays I bought for 2.50 each from hosfelt.com


        Now that I figured out how all the connections are made to the
relay (it is a different style than the original one, so the connections
are not the same as in the manual - that's what was screwing me up, since
the way it's supposed to connect in the manual (as far as which poles
connect when) isn't the same as this relay is supposed to work). At any
rate, I've now verified that the relay is in fact blown - one of the
contacts that moves when the relay is activated is welded together, so
effectively the field current is able to bypass the field coil when in
forward. Ok, so hopefully those relays I ordered last week will be here
soon. :)

Thanks for the help everyone,


Michael S. Briggs
UNH Physics Department
(603) 862-2828

On Tue, 1 Aug 2006, Michael S Briggs wrote:

Duh, just answered my own question - the extra two connections on the
bottom must be for the power to control the relay. :)
        Ok, so that answers that. But, the wires aren't connected to the
relay in the way the schematic shows (i.e. ignoring the bottom ones that
are for powering the relay, the middle (of the three in the manual) on the
right is supposed to have wire 10 connected - but my wire 10 is connected
to the bottom one on the right (not counting the real bottom ones, which
power the relay). So, either something is wired wrong (but it *was*
working, so I'll assume that's not the case), or this is a non-original
style of relay that has the connections different from in the service
manual. If that's the case, I need to figure out where the wires are
connected to this one, and how it's *supposed* to work.


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