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(ET) Tiller, day 3

Spent some time working on the tiller. So far I've taken it apart, checked the motor, POR-15'ed the body, and painted it.
It looks really good with a nice new coat of Elec-Trak yellow paint. I 
also PORed the inside of the first chain housing, and I'll grease up the 
chain this weekend before closing it all up. Questions:
1) How do you adjust tension on the belt?

2) What's the purpose of that spring thing at the end of the tiller on the transfer housing?
3) My lift has an extra bar that seems to go on it. But how does the 
lift connect to the tiller? Is there a set of springs that assist like 
the snowblower?
4) How is the tiller bar mounted to the axle? I have two metal axle 
things, but only 4 sandwich clips that seem to go around the axle. 
Should I have 4 or eight? Also do I have to use U bolts as I only have two.
Any help would be appreciated. Hopefully I'll be able to re-mount the 
motor tomorrow and I'd like to hook the bar up to the tractor as well.