I essentially suggest this option to Bill when I spoke to him over 2 weeks
ago. I don't
tell the list everything I do folks. I was not specific about who should
do the
interaction. He was not interested. He claims the debugging problem is
the biggest one,
and part returns second. I told him he didn't have to do returns, or
someone else could,
or just not accept any, and he said he doesn't do business that way. He
even picks up
return shipping. He really doesn't want to do SUPPORT anymore. BTW,
folks, good technical
support runs $85/hr in my area, for a lot of different sorts of
industries. He has been
giving support and consulting for free. Industrial consultation fees go
way higher than
that (but you have to establish yourself to get them). He isn't willing
to charge for it.
I don't think a subscriber fee will work. He is independent. I don't
think this will work.