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(ET) Reverse works better... And a few other questions.

Does anyone know why driving my tractor in reverse tends to cut the grass
better.  Less clumping?

Also, I am considering adding a 12v battery with an inverter, and using a
cheap 36v to 12v 75 Watt DC to DC converter to use the Electrak batteries 
charge the 12v battery.  Has anyone done this?  

I cannot seem to find an inexpensive 36v inverter.

BTW, age 45.  Akron, Ohio.  Electrak with Alltrax controller.  Just got it
running for the first time about a month ago.  Had it for a year.  Love it.
Newbie without any electrical engineering skills.

Got initial encouragement from David Roden that it was worth getting going,
and Rod Hower helped me in getting it to work. 

Perry Cain
perry suppleye com