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(ET) Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 13:08:30 -0500

Good Morning Group....

I am going to thin out my GE Elec-Trac holdings.  I am 60 miles NE of
I have these items available.......

Two complete three motor decks  at $85.00 each.;
One two motor deck, complete, $65.00
One two motor deck, no motors, $15.00;
Two blade motors, they run, $20.00 ea
Several new blades; $20.00
A spare tranny; $50.00
A brand new drive motor for E-10, $150.00
Bunch of misc stuff.......
and a E-15, ready to restore.  Tractor is complete. Spent a few years
outside. Back tires flat, front tires up, all would need replacement.
Battery boxes both rusted out around the bottom,
Electrics? Who knows... till you power it up, but they will need attention.
Has electric front lift. Looking for $300.

Clean me out for $600.00  Photos available......

Dr Tom Richert  WB8MCS
Port Huron Mi 48060
810-982-3131 voice
810-987-3131 fax
810-650-6472 Nextel