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Re: (ET) Should I get an Elec-Trak?

On 14 Sep 2001, at 8:50, W. Jeffrey Wilson wrote:

> I mow about 1 ½ acres, mostly flat but with LOTS of trees.  I like the 
> idea
> of the silence and (at least local) environmental friendliness of the
> Elec-Trak, but wonder about running time and maneuverability.

You should have no problem mowing 1.5 acres on a charge.  

Of course any tractor will take more jockeying than a push mower, but I 
find that the ET's front-mounted mower makes for fairly easy mowing 
around trees and bushes.  

Just so you know: the ET is ~not~ silent.  It's a good deal quieter than 
a gas tractor -- from a distance it seems almost silent -- but from the 
seat, you notice that the transaxle whines and the mower deck sounds like 
a huge fan.  

The environmental friendliness is not just local.  The myth that electric 
vehicles simply transfer emissions to the powerplant is just that -- a 
myth.  A recent Canadian study of electric versus gas-powered ~on-road~ 
vehicles showed that even when the electricity fuel was the dirtiest -- 
coal -- greenhouse gas emission was reduced 55-59% and other emissions 
were cut by 80-92%.  When the electricity was generated with natural gas, 
GHG was cut 74-85% and others by 99.5%.  Add some hydropower to the mix 
and your greenhouse gases drop to almost zero.

As large as these number are, the reductions will be much, much greater 
for the ET because gas tractors usually have engines that are far dirtier 
than automobile engines.  

I say go for it!

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
1991 Solectria Force 144vac
1991 Ford Escort Green/EV 128vdc
1979 General Engines ElectroPed 24vdc
1970 GE Elec-trak E15 36vdc
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