Anthony Bailey wrote:
Hello All, I also just spent a good sum of money with him (well, for
me its a good sum a little over $100). As for if or when he quits
selling parts, it'll make it a lot harder for some people to justify
using this tractor. For me I enjoy using this tractor so much I've
considered finding other electric tractors for using in case this one
breaks or if I have to get one just for parts. I would just as soon
get the parts from Bill as long as I can, though.I've got a old gas lawn tractor is just collecting dust since I got
my WheelHorse C-185, I have no inclination to use it or try to find
replacement parts for it,as its an old one that the company was sold
and then they quit making these some time ago, etc..I know some parts are similar to the golf carts, however they are
also scarce out here in this part of the country. I've got the only
Electric Tractor most people have ever heard of around here. My dad's
telling me to be sure and buy all the parts I think I might need
while I can still get them...easier said than done.My wife also talked to him about how the business was going (she even
ordered my parts for me!) and he said that he wasn't going to close
up shop at midnight on the 31st just still talking to another guy or
two about the business. He'd still be taking and filling orders for a
while. So I'm trying to find the money for a tiller and pushblade.At 5:59 PM -0500 12/29/00, David Roden (Akron OH USA) wrote:
>I just spoke with him a couple days ago to order parts. I didn't ask
>about the business situation, but we chatted a bit about ETs in general,
>and he certainly seemed as enthusiastic as ever about them.
>I will be spending a fair bit of cash with him this time. It's all stuff
>I need. Maybe I could have bought some of it used, or scrounged it from
>a junk tractor, but I wanted to support Bill.
>I know you don't want to hear this, but I say quit buying junk machines
>for your parts and buy them from Bill. Instead of parting out the old
>tractors, restore them (when possible) and find good homes for them. The
>more people have ETs, the more business Bill will get, and the longer
>he'll support them. If the remaining ETs are concentrated in the hands
>of a few dozen people, Bill won't be getting many orders.
>Besides, not all of us have the time or space to keep a garage full of
>parts tractors. Although it's probably not the case with many people on
>this list, I suspect there are many folks out there, using ETs daily or
>weekly, who would junk them if they couldn't get parts with a phone call.
>I suspect that once this parts source dries up, ETs will go out of
>service at an accelerating rate. That'd be a shame.
>David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
Sent from Anthony Bailey KC0HZP (mailto:abailey clas net)
on a PowerComputing PowerBase 180 in Marble Hill, Missouri