I don't have a diary, and can't seem to find the answer to this on line: what's the April method of the month?On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 11:12 AM <lauradi rcn com> wrote:_______________________________________________The RW and the RW 2019 diary are sponsoring a Method of the Month. These are all surprise major except Cooktown Orchid Delight, which was January.I am still messing up Cornwall, so it seems silly for me to advocate participating, but I like being part of a trend sometimes. The current method is Double Dublin, but looking forward to March, to give myself/ourselves extra time, the method will be Lancashire.Some Boston ringers already are familiar with this method, and it won't be mis-heard as Lincolnshire, which has been relegated by the PPE folks.Laura DickersonPS I think Method of the Month is too boring. I suggest referring to them as the Planetary methods of the month, although Arthur prefers Global as the appropriate adjective.
Boston-change-ringers mailing list
Boston-change-ringers cosmos phy tufts edu
--Don Morrison <dfm ringing org>_______________________________________________
"After all these years I have observed that beauty, like happiness,
is frequent. A day does not pass when we are not, for an instant,
in paradise."
-- Jorge Luis Borges, _Los Conjurados_, tr Willis Barnstone
Boston-change-ringers mailing list
Boston-change-ringers cosmos phy tufts edu