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Fwd: RIP Vance Hosford
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From: rector theadventboston org <rector theadventboston org>
Date: Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 3:31 PM
Subject: RIP Vance Hosford
Dear Members and Friends of the Parish of the Advent,
Vance Hosford, our beloved brother in Christ, our good friend, and
long time member of the Advent, died this morning peacefully and with
many friends surrounding him. I am happy to say to you that I was able
to bring him the Blessed Sacrament yesterday and administer to him the
Last Rites of the Church.
The date and time of the Requiem Mass to be celebrated for the repose
of his soul in Christ will be announced.
May his soul and the souls of all the Faithful Departed,
By the mercy of God,
Rest in Peace. Amen.
Father Warren