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Fw: Labor Day/ Old North Event - Hosting Visitors Questionnaire

Hi Everyone!
As we get closer to the event date and registrations keep rolling in,
I thought I'd check back in to see if anything has changed in terms of
who is able to host visiting ringers.  The survey I sent out in April
is below, and please let me know if the number of people you can host
(or anything else) has changed.

- Mira

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mira Whiting <miracb gmail com>
Date: 2008/4/10
Subject: Labor Day/ Old North Event - Short Questionnaire
To: Boston Change Ringers List <boston-change-ringers cosmos phy tufts edu>

Hi!  I know it seems like a ways away, but Labor Day weekend will be
here before we know it, and with it, a slew of visitors to help us
celebrate the 25th anniversary of the re-hanging of the Old North
bells.  I have been delegated to organize a list of who might have
space for visitors to stay with them, and it would help a lot if you
could respond to this short questionnaire:

1) Do you have space for people to stay with you?

2) How many people?

3) How much of that space is actual beds/air mattresses/floor space?

4) Do you have pets? (some people are allergic...)

5) Anything else you think might be helpful/relevent?

Thanks in advance for your responses!

- Mira

Mira Claire Whiting
miracb gmail com

Mira Claire Whiting
miracb gmail com