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Re: Tomorrow
While I certainly can't ring a quarter method, Britt had wanted me to tenor
behind a doubles quarter on the 3rd, but I was out of town. I'd be willing
try if people still want to attempt a quarter.
Regardless of that, I am available for wandering over to Advent.
Quoting Don Morrison <dfm mv com>:
> You may recall that last week I enquired if folks could ring a quarter
> tomorrow with a visiting English ringer, Alice Longden. Sadly, even
> with her we only had five folks that said they could ring, so that's
> been axed.
> However, she is still coming to town tomorrow. I gather she works at a
> summer camp, and is at the mercy of an awkward time off schedule, and
> whatever transport they provide. This means she'll only make it into to
> town in time to ring for the last half hour or so of practice at Old
> North, and will not be able to stay over for service ringing on Sunday.
> I'm kind of hoping folks at Old North may be willing take pity on her
> and at least wander over to Advent after Old North for 15 or 20 minutes
> ringing, so she can at least grab the tower. If folks going to Old
> North could manage that, and plan accordingly, it would be much
> appreciated!
> Or maybe we'll extra lucky and have some unexpected visitors that can
> ring a quarter after all? Can always hope....
> Thanks!
> --
> Don Morrison <dfm mv com>
> "The best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting,
> yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working."
> -- Kenneth Grahame, _The Wind in the
> Willows_
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