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BAPC week of 11/2/20 - 11/6/20
- Subject: BAPC week of 11/2/20 - 11/6/20
- From: "Clayman, Stephanie D" <sclayman fas harvard edu>
- Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2020 18:11:40 +0000
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- Thread-topic: BAPC week of 11/2/20 - 11/6/20
ON TIME LISTINGS for the following week's calendar - send to:
bapc-events cosmos phy tufts edu
DEADLINE: 12 noon on the Thursday before the week in question LATE
ANNOUNCEMENTS, changes, or cancellations - send to:
bapc-late cosmos phy tufts edu
Please note that announcements to the late address go directly to everyone
on the list.
Use with consideration.
SUBSCRIBE bapc-subscribe cosmos phy tufts edu
UNSUBSCRIBE bapc-unsubscribe cosmos phy tufts edu
GENERAL INFO http://cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/bapc.html
Announcement format: Example:
Time 11:00 AM
Day of Week + Date Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Institution Brandeis University
Lecture Series String Theory Seminar
"Title" "Black hole area quantization and
gravitational waves"
Speaker + Institution Matthew Kleban, New York University
How to access Zoom link or email address to request zoom
Please, NO flyers, photos, abstracts, etc.
11:00 AM
Monday, November 2, 2020
Brandeis University Quantum/Gravity Seminar
"Quantum error correction and large N"
Alexey Milekhin, Princeton University
Please email Dawn Mitchell <dmitchell brandeis edu> for password
2:00 PM
Monday, November 2, 2020
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center of Theoretical Physics Nuclear and Particle Theory Seminar
"Early Cannibal Domination and the Matter Power Spectrum"
Jessie Shelton, University of Illinois
4:00 PM
Monday, November 2, 2020
Brown University Colloquium
"Causality Constraints and the Curious Case of de Sitter"
Rachel Rosen, Columbia University
For Zoom link contact: mary_rotondo brown edu
4:00 PM
Monday, November 2, 2020
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laboratory for Nuclear Science - Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium
"The quest to understand the fundamental structure of nuclear matter -
outlook to an Electron-Ion Collider"
Rolf Ent, Jefferson Lab
4:30 PM
Monday, November 2, 2020
Harvard University Department of Physics Colloquium
"Collision Course: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning"
Jesse Thaler, MIT
Email sclayman fas harvard edu for Zoom link
10:00 AM
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Harvard University
Mathematical Picture Language Seminar
"On the classification of topological orders with finite internal
symmetries "
Liang Kong, SIQSE, Southern University of Science and Technology
Zoom at:
2:30 PM
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center of Theoretical Physics Joint Tufts/MIT Cosmology Seminar
"CMB Signatures of Standard Model Higgs Effects during Reheating''
Evangelos Sfakianakis, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Zoom link will be distributed to joint cosmology seminar mailing list. If
subscribed see
3:00 PM
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Northeastern University Quantum Matter Seminar Series
"Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering to study ultrathin quantum materials"
Joanathan Pelliciari, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Stream live:
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Boston chapter IEEE Photonics Society Fall Workshop
"Machine learning and Optical Systems"
10 academic speakers, from US and Europe, see Web site below for details
Zoom link at: http://www.bostonphotonics.org/workshops/mlos20/
Stephanie Clayman (she/her)
Harvard University Physics Department
Jefferson 360, 17 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138