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BAPC - Calendar for the Week of April 6

Sorry this is so late today!!






Apr 6 – Apr 10, 2015


The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic year by the Department of Physics at MIT.  Entries should be sent no later than 2:00 pm on the Wednesday before the week of the actual event.

NOTE: Entries that are past the deadline will have to be sent by you to the BAPC late entry email address listed below.

ON-TIME submissions:  Send to
bapc-events cosmos phy tufts edu

LATE submissions:  Send to bapc-late cosmos phy tufts edu

SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE to/from the BAPC calendar:  http://cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/bapc.html





Monday, April 6
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center of Theoretical Physics Cosman Seminar Room 6c-442

Nuclear and Particle Theory Seminar

``A Global Jet Finding Algorithm"

Yang Bai, U. of Wisconsin
Refreshments will be served


4:00 PM

Monday, April 6, 2015

Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Laboratory for Nuclear Science

Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium

Kolker Room, 26-414

“The Higgs as a Portal to New Physics”

Dr. Stefania Gori – Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Refreshments served at 3:30 pm




4:00 p.m.

Monday April 6, 2015

Brown University
Department of Physics Colloquium 

Barus & Holley room 168

"The life of a vortex knot: Linking, coiling and twisting across scales"

William Irvine

U of Chicago

Refreshments begin at 3:30 




2:00 p.m.

Tuesday, April 7

Harvard University

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Science Center 530

“Projective Unitary Representations of Infinite-Dimensional Lie Groups”

Bas Janssens

Institute of Mathematics, University of Utrecht



2:30 pm

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tufts University

Joint Tufts/MIT Cosmology Seminar

Robinson Hall, Room 250

"Effects of Cosmic String Loops Inside Galaxies"

Robert Brandenberger


Refreshments at 2:00 in Knipp Library, Room 251




Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Northeastern University

Joint CIRCS and CCNR Seminar

5th Floor of the Dana Research Center

“Reconstruction and Analysis of Cardiac Signaling Networks”

Jeff Saucerman

University of Virginia

Refreshments served at event.




Wednesday, April 8
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center of Theoretical Physics Cosman Seminar Room 6c-442
String Theory Seminar

``How general is holography?"

Daniel Grumiller, TU Wien

Refreshments will  be served



3:30 PM

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Boston University

Particle and Fields Seminar

3 Cummington Mall, Room 595

"Soft-pion theorems and the nonlinear regime of large scale structure"

Bart Horn

Columbia University




4:00 pm
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Physics Dept. U. Mass Lowell
Olsen 102

"Microspherical Photonics: Optical Super-Resolution and Giant Resonant Light Forces"

Prof. Vasily Astratov
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Refreshments at 3:30




Thursday, April 9, 2015

Northeastern University

Special Biophysics Seminar

114 Dana Research Center

“In-Cell Thermodynamics - Curvatures and Transient Interactions”

Jens Danielsson

University of Stockholm

Refreshments served at event.



1:00 pm

Thursday, Apr 9, 2015

University of Massachusetts Boston

Physics colloquium series

Science building, room 3-126

Marcus Cramer

Ulm U

Title: TBA

Refreshments served at 12:45

Questions: Maxim Olshanii (Olchanyi) <Maxim Olchanyi umb edu>




Thursday, April 9, 2015

Northeastern University

Physics Colloquium

114 Dana Research Center

“Pathologic Aggregation In ALS Mice Follows Test-Tube Behavior”

Mikael Oliveberg

University of Stockholm

Refreshments served at event.



4:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The David and Edith Harris Physics Colloquium Series

Building 10, Room 250

“Manipulating the Quantum State of a Single Cooper Pair in a One-Atom Contact "

Cristian Urbina

CEA-Saclay, France

Refreshments @ 3:30 PM in 4-349



3:00 pm

Friday, April 10th

Presenter: Michael Falk

Johns Hopkins University

Title: Do glassy solids have 2 temperatures?

Tufts University, Robinson Hall, Room 253 All are invited! Refreshments at 2:30pm.



3:00 pm

Friday, April 10, 2015

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Plasma Science and Fusion Center Seminar

Building NW17-218 

"The steady-state hybrid scenario and its projection to ITER and FNSF"

Francesca Turco

Columbia University