Are there any students regularly dancing with tape group? I believe the club is currently uncomfortable booking rooms when no students will be using them.On February 9, 2025 1:11:28 PM EST, Cally Perry via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:Alyssa is the enemy of this plan. Also, the reserver of rooms. So, nope.On Sun, Feb 9, 2025 at 1:08 PM Judy Anderson via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:While we are revisiting things, what about the option to dance at MIT
again? Is that a possibility? Would it make Kathy never come? Anybody
else who would find it better or worse to dance at MIT? Then we wouldn't
have any issue about changing venue at the last minute.
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tg cosmos phy tufts edu
Typed with swype. Who knows what i intended to say?