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Re: [tg] a new concept idea: Swap

I like the concept! If you want the other people to adjust, do you say "reverse swap"?
As for the designator names, I am not settled yet, but I have this in mind. Imagine your box has a cross (X) drawn through it, that is, both diagonals are present. Turn your head to look along one of these diagonals (the one that passes through you). If you looked left, you are a leftcrosser (?) = [designator 2]; if you looked right, you are a rightcrosser (?) = [designator 1].

On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 6:50 PM Kathy Godfrey via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
Another possibility for DESIGNATOR1 and DESIGNATOR2 is to use the acronyms of direction abbreviations
that happen to be English words:  NEWS for DESIGNATOR1 (starting at the NorthEast) and SEWN for DESIGNATOR2
(starting at the SouthEast).


On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 4:31 PM Kathy Godfrey <kathy godfrey gmail com> wrote:

I'll note in passing that Example 7 is Mirror Beep Beep.

Is #3 facing the wrong way at the end of Example 16?

As for the DESIGNATORs, one nerdly thought is that the DESIGNATOR1s are in the odd/same sign quadrants on an x/y graph,
and the DESIGNATOR2s are in the even/different sign quadrants, taking the x-y origin as the center of the 2x2 box.
I'm not sure how evocative Odd Quad(der)s or Even Quad(ders) would be, though :-).


On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 5:34 AM Andy Tockman via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
Hi everyone,

CJ and I have been spending a lot of time recently thinking about an idea for a new concept, called Swap.

The current draft of the paper can be found here: https://tck.mn/squares/swap.pdf
I am very curious to hear your thoughts and feedback!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Andy Tockman
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