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Re: [tg] a new concept idea: Swap

Another possibility for DESIGNATOR1 and DESIGNATOR2 is to use the acronyms of direction abbreviations
that happen to be English words:  NEWS for DESIGNATOR1 (starting at the NorthEast) and SEWN for DESIGNATOR2
(starting at the SouthEast).


On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 4:31 PM Kathy Godfrey <kathy godfrey gmail com> wrote:

I'll note in passing that Example 7 is Mirror Beep Beep.

Is #3 facing the wrong way at the end of Example 16?

As for the DESIGNATORs, one nerdly thought is that the DESIGNATOR1s are in the odd/same sign quadrants on an x/y graph,
and the DESIGNATOR2s are in the even/different sign quadrants, taking the x-y origin as the center of the 2x2 box.
I'm not sure how evocative Odd Quad(der)s or Even Quad(ders) would be, though :-).


On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 5:34 AM Andy Tockman via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
Hi everyone,

CJ and I have been spending a lot of time recently thinking about an idea for a new concept, called Swap.

The current draft of the paper can be found here: https://tck.mn/squares/swap.pdf
I am very curious to hear your thoughts and feedback!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Andy Tockman
tg mailing list
tg cosmos phy tufts edu